Chris Eason, Gino Cimino, Tyler Stienle, Conrad Torres
March 5, 2013
Instructor: Bruce Turner
Issues, Challenges, & Opportunities faced by this group in labor force.
How society has constructed group’s identity.
Legal framework relating to issue.
Summary of existing or proposed solutions of differing groups.
Does this issue exist in other countries? If so, how it is handled.
Teams compromise or alternative to existing solutions. Issues
Post 9/11, Muslims residing in the United States have experienced violations in terms of economic liberties.
Media stereotypes and government legislation continually exacerbate these human right abuses and entrench economic discrimination deeper in American Society.
Muslims in the work force are subject to deep social anxiety towards Islam, known as Islam phobia.
Anti-terrorism measures are associated with a relative decrease in employment, hours worked, and the earnings of immigrants from Muslim-majority countries.
Economic discrimination in the United States against Muslims is predicted to climb if the recession continues.
The American-Muslim community faces extreme and difficult challenges. Muslims employees are faced with the problem that their coworkers lack knowledge about their culture and religion.
Female Muslim employees who wear the hijab, the head covering traditionally worn by observant Muslim females are mocked and hassled.
Job applications with Muslim names still face challenges getting hired and those employed sometimes, are still mistreated by their supervisors.
Although time has transcended, Muslims lack few opportunities within the workforce.
Muslims are promoted less often than their counterparts although they share equal qualifications.
Muslim student applicants of American and non-American decent receive fewer acceptance letters to colleges than that of other ethnic groups.
Regardless of
References: 2000 and 2002. Journal of Populations Economics (2005) 18: 587-601 Greenhouse, Steven Interfaith Alliance. (2012). What is the truth about american muslims?. Retrieved from Moore, A KAESTNER, Robert, Kaushal Neeraj and Reimers Cordelia, 2007. Labor Market Effects of September 11th on Arab and Muslim Residents of the United States