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equality and diversity

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equality and diversity
Promote Equality and Inclusion in health, Social care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

Task 1
1.1 Explain what is meant by

Diversity: is meant by acknowledging that each individual is unique and recognising individual differences, for example; culture, ability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other individual characteristic.

Equality: is fair treatment and access to opportunities for all regardless of differences like their ability, culture, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or any other group characteristic.

Inclusion: is to embrace all people regardless of race, gender, age, ability etc. it’s about recognising we are one although we are not the same, and to have a sense of belonging.

Inclusive practice means promoting the development of all children, whatever their background, race, gender or ability. Inclusive practice means ensuring that they and their families feel included, valued motivated and empowered. It also involves good anti-discriminatory practice where equality issues become an integral part of the curriculum and discrimination is challenged.

Differences are embraced and celebrated, respect towards each other is promoted and inequality is actively confronted

Task 2
1.2 Describe the potential effects of Discrimination
The potential effects of discrimination can be different for different people. The effects can be physical, emotional or a combination of both. For example children with disabilities may not be given a chance to join in with activities due to others thinking that their disability prevents them from being able to do so. This will make the child feel very different from others. This can leave the person feeling isolate, have low self- esteem, have a fear of rejection, or feeling withdrawn from society. The effects are not only ones that affect the individual child/young person; they are effects that can be experienced by the individuals family and friends too.

Task 3
2.1 Explain how legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own work role.
There are various pieces of legislation in place to promote equality and reduce discrimination. These include:
I encourage children to develop respect for themselves and for others.
I try to build on the strengths of children and young people from all cultures, religions, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability and backgrounds; in ways that meet their needs and help them to achieve The Equality Act 2006
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995, 2005
Race Relations Act 1976 Race Relations Amendment Act 2000
Sex Discrimination Act 1976,1986
Children Act 1989, 2004
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001their full potential. I ensure children are offered opportunities to try out new experience.
I ensure the children are given the opportunity to be cared for and educated in order to develop their full potential.
I have carried out all suitable training in all aspects of equality and diversity including legislation and their responsibilities.
I use ways in which diversity can be valued and activities adapted to meet the Individual child's needs including food preparation and menu choices.
I seek the correct support for children who are finding difficulty in understanding diverse or complex situations.
Design and make a leaflet for new foster carers to welcome them when they join the setting. The leaflet should describe your policies and procedures directly related to anti-discrimination and inclusion, and the key values that your setting promotes. If you prefer, you could write an account with the same detail.
Foster for Gateshead

We will ensure that our service is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children, particularly those that arise from their ethnic heritage, social and economic background, gender, special educational needs, ability or disability.
Our setting is committed to anti-discriminatory practice to promote equality of opportunity and valuing diversity for all children and families.
We aim to:
Provide a secure and accessible environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are considered and valued.
Include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity.
Provide positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and disabled people.
Improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity.
Make inclusion a thread that runs through all of the activities.

2.2 Show interactions with individuals that respects their beliefs, culture, values and preferences.
If the person you care for has a different background from your own, it's important not to impose your views on them, as this could create tension and conflict.
The background, culture, faith or sexuality of the person you care for may be different from your own. These factors may influence how they want to be cared for.
If the person has a different culture or faith from yours, you'll need to consider how they worship or pray, their personal routine and the importance of objects or symbols to them.
They may also have important cultural food preferences, such as vegetarianism or veganism.
They may want contact with others from their own cultural or religious groups. Having access to local, cultural or religious communities, cultural events, newspapers, and TV channels can give people a sense of identity and help them feel part of the wider community.

3.1 Demonstrate actions that model inclusive practice
I respond to all the children’s needs and diversity is acknowledged and respected. I make sure the children are not discriminated against or treated unfairly on the basis of these differences. .
I have a secure and accessible home in which the children can flourish and in which all contributions are considered and valued.
I provide positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and disabled people. I help the children understand this by using decoration, books, puppets, dolls, etc
I keep telling the children it's is ok to be unique and that everybody has their own qualities. I ensure all children get equal opportunities that make them feel equal and valued, and encourage children to make friends with one another.

Task 5
3.2 Demonstrate how to support others to promote equality and rights

I ensure that myself and others demonstrate respect for the dignity and privacy of the children I promote active participation and independence.
I support the rights of the children to make informed choices and decisions about their lives and well-being .
I teach them how to manage potential and actual risks
I help them to access information about themselves and make comments and complaints.
I act in ways that demonstrate that I take comments and suggestions seriously.
I ensure my own behaviour supports others to work in ways that are consistent with individuals beliefs and preferences, that regard diversity positively and that support anti-discriminatory practice.
I ask for support when there are conflicts between an individual’s rights and responsibilities that I cannot deal with.

Task 6
3.3 Describe how to challenge discrimination in a way that promotes change

You should never ignore or excuse such discriminatory behaviour any more than you would ignore or excuse someone if they inflicted physical pain on someone else. This must be addressed because if you do not respond and just let the incident pass you are contributing to the person feeling that it is acceptable to speak or behave that way. To promote change you need to change people’s attitude toward other races, sexuality, religion etc. I try to educate others about different culture, disabilities by doing things like having time so that children can share their experiences with each other. I encourage them to think of other people’s feelings. I ask them to think about what it is like for other people and ask them to think about themselves in other people shoes.

Do Challenge discrimination and stereotypes
Swapping the gender of leading characters in songs and rhymes.
Ignoring stereotyped beliefs if they are aired between staff in private
Only keeping books and toys in the nursery that conform to normal ideas
Intervening sensitively when children make racist comments to one another
Inviting people whose job roles challenge to speak to children

Do not challenge discrimination and stereotypes
Integrating learning about different cultures into the curriculum
Treating everybody the same
Allowing children to sort out conflicts based on stereotyped beliefs on their own

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