The Brahmin priests and the traditional spirituality of the people had conflict. The traditional spirituality of the people is what forms the basis of Buddhism (Lary, 3/10/2016). Dhammapada states, “Greater in combat than a person who conquers a thousand times a thousand people, Is the person who conquers herself” (Fronsdal 28). This relates to the time when India was redefining its previous traditions in approximately 5th Century B.C.E. This demonstrates that Buddhism transitioned from the hierarchical religion of Hinduism to Buddhism, which is based on equality. A good Buddhist pursues the middle path. Buddhism is based on equality because a Buddhist should be concerned with their own morality rather than others. Buddhism is not centered on possessions. If a Buddhist focuses on the present and themselves, they can achieve equality. Although Buddhism arose from Hinduism, the caste is irrelevant to Buddhists. One can be from any caste. As long as one is moral, one can be noble. Flow is important to this religion as well. If one understands flow and that everything is connected, true equality is
The Brahmin priests and the traditional spirituality of the people had conflict. The traditional spirituality of the people is what forms the basis of Buddhism (Lary, 3/10/2016). Dhammapada states, “Greater in combat than a person who conquers a thousand times a thousand people, Is the person who conquers herself” (Fronsdal 28). This relates to the time when India was redefining its previous traditions in approximately 5th Century B.C.E. This demonstrates that Buddhism transitioned from the hierarchical religion of Hinduism to Buddhism, which is based on equality. A good Buddhist pursues the middle path. Buddhism is based on equality because a Buddhist should be concerned with their own morality rather than others. Buddhism is not centered on possessions. If a Buddhist focuses on the present and themselves, they can achieve equality. Although Buddhism arose from Hinduism, the caste is irrelevant to Buddhists. One can be from any caste. As long as one is moral, one can be noble. Flow is important to this religion as well. If one understands flow and that everything is connected, true equality is