Adam’s Equity Theory is a model of motivation which basically states that employees will perform at a more productive rate if they feel that they are being treated fairly (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2010). Equity is achieved when a worker perceives their reward for their amount of work to be equal to that of a relevant worker. Negative inequity is perceived by the employee when the relevant worker receives greater rewards for the same amount of work. Positive inequity is perceived by the employee when the relevant worker receives fewer rewards for the same amount of work (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2010).…
There are a lot of resources that I found to be helpful to me on the Independence website that will help me along my journey towards earning my degree.…
Sigmund Freud, a Jewish Austrian neurologist that developed a wonderful theory in 1915 that stated all behavior is motivated and that the primary purpose of someone’s behavior was to serve the satisfaction of needs. This serves to be true in two or more situations in the common workplace. For instance, if company morale is low, there is a very slim chance that the company as a whole will be doing well. People are driven by their need to feel satisfied and wanted at the same time. Therefore, when others exhibit behavior that is non-favorable, it is most likely due to their lack of being satisfied. Behavior can either be motivated in a positive and negative direction.…
Motivation Concepts AnalysisGoal-Setting Theory is based on the idea that particular and strenuous goals conduct to higher performance. The work of Edwin Locke proposes "people are motivated to work toward and achieve goals," (Locke 1968). The point would give precise goals can extend performance. Then to show with demanding goals, when accredited, would overcome in the huge achievement then the easier goals. This achievement of public commitment to the goal can result in a higher commitment to the goal achieve. Feedback can provide a higher performance then non-feedback. The paper will discuss how the theory would be applicable to a specific workplace situation from the author's experience. The second part of the paper will focus on a situation in the workplace which goal setting theory does not explain behavior.…
* Principle that performance on a task is best when arousal level is appropriate to the difficulty of the task:…
Mrs. Sheets had the vision to plan and predict what the customers expected and instituted a support and training program that allows the employees to learn not only the basics of moving the customer valuables, but also business principles.…
Differentiate between the 4 major theories on motivation: instincts/evolutionary, drive-reduction, hierarchy of needs, and arousal theory. Discuss their origins, and explain why they cannot fully account for human behavior.…
Motivation addresses the issues concerning the reason people do what they do. Motivational theories relate to the reasons, other than capability, that some individuals perform at a higher level than others. The purpose of this paper is to describe how achievement motivation theory would and would not be applicable if applied to two or more workplace situations drawn from personal experience.…
Evaluate to what extent a) expectancy theory and b) goal theory can explain motivation at work.…
To be motivated is to be moved into action, or to decide on a change in action, according to the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1841/1960). Motivation is an internal energy that creates a change in action for an incentive. Motivation can be caused by specific needs or the basic need of increasing pleasure and decreasing pain. Motivation begins with internal and external sources. Internal sources include biologica and psychological variables, while external sources include incentives that are achieved by the motivation.…
This paper explores a small portion of the self-worth theory of motivation. It reviews self worth in elementary education levels, secondary education of at risk teens, and motivations of worth in the work place. At the elementary levels is looks at society and how we attain self-worth from as early as birth through parental intervention and positive or negative encouragement, it also explores how society can also play a role in the perceived sense of worthiness or failure. Next is “at risk teens” and discovering they have coping skills that can help them jump forward or hold them back. Educators can help the teens first by building a trustworthy rapport with the student, assist in goal setting, helping them avoid procrastination, and help to visualize their future for their lifetime goals and achievements. In the work place it is implied that managers who communicate implementing the “Three Roles of Language in Motivation Theory” which are Perlocutionary, Locutionary and Illocutionary leads to a successfuly motivated team. (Sullivan, 1998, p. 110) Implementing these communication methods are key to help an employee feel a sense of worth and team, that by building on three principals they can have a successful employee and by association a successful department.…
What to do on a summer day? If you’re bored, and cannot find anything to do. Do i have some events for you! Here are three events that you can do to enjoy life, relax, and live a little!…
References: Lambert Deckers. (2010 pearson education). introduction to motivation and emotion. Retrieved from Lambert Deckers, psy350 website.…
The Expectancy Theory of Motivation is as a technique of motivation that looks at a way to motivate and engage an individual or group. If an individual or group is motivated to do a task it will show in their performance. Finding what motivates can lead to them putting in more effort which leads to batter performance which leads to the reward that motivated them in the beginning. There are three components or relations in the Expectancy theory of motivate; effort, performance and reward. Each components has a relation with another.…
The expectancy theory of motivation suggests that the way a person acts is based on the assumption of what the outcome will be. The employee will exert more effort if it is believed that the reward will satisfy a specific personal goal or specific achievement. An example of this type of behavior would be to volunteer for extra work at the office in an effort to be considered for the next promotion.…