Absolutism is an ideology, a set of think which one leader, usually a monarch, centralize the power using divine rights, claiming the monarch is chosen by god. When absolutism is being discussed, the European absolute countries in history is often taken as examples. Yet, it is a wonder whether absolutism has appeared in earlier eras in human history or not. It will be intriguing to investigate how absolutism survived through history and how it is still influencing countries in present society, such as the Vatican City and Saudi Arabia. Therefore, with this essay, I will introduce the difference between absolutism in different era in order to see how has it evolved.
Divine rights and absolutism largely influenced …show more content…
It is unclear whether the concept of absolutism was passed from the foreign regions or generated within the country, but there are similarities. The Zhou dynasty, particularly in BC1064, a concept similar to the divine rights appeared- the Mandate of Heaven. Emperors were addressed as Tian Zi- the Son of Heaven. Different from the absolutist leaders, the Chinese emperors use the Mandate of Heaven to consolidate their power over others and to gain trust from their people. The Mandate of heaven does not only offer the emperor with absolute power, but it also ensures that justice is practiced while offering the people with a beatific life. The mandate of heaven hugely benefited the Koryo Kingdom, which was the beginning of present Korea. Under the attack from other kingdoms, Koryo was almost overthrown. Yet, a new leader rose- Yi Songkye. Yi claimed his arrival as the Mandate of Heaven and referred himself as the Son of heaven. Under Yi’s leading, the kingdom enters its new dynasty- Choson Kingdom. Soon after Yi took over the thrown, he started to enhance military and gave himself absolute power over the military. Yi’s arm successfully defeated the Japanese pirates, punished all foreign invaders, and even survived the Mongolian’s attack while the Ming dynasty was harmed badly. Yi, with the help of the Mandate of Heaven and his absolutist leading, successfully saved the country from its death and established a powerful new kingdom, known as the Ancient