DBQ: Mislabeled “Era of Good Feelings”
The “Era of good feelings” was a mislabeled period of time in American History. The overall growth and expansion of the country and the overall nationalistic view of many Americans brought about what could be viewed as a peaceful era, one of good feelings. White men and woman rejoiced in the fact that they had strong national leaders of the republic, a constitution that was without fail, and a strong standing as the Unites States, a country. What overpowered those so called good feelings was a huge misunderstanding of what nationalism meant and how it affected the states; the rising of sectionalism. The differences and divisions in government ideas, not only of the leaders, but of the …show more content…
In 1816 the first party system came to an end. James Monroe was a well-liked man elected into office and brought about an era of peace and good feelings to his American people. With the termination of the Federalist Party and the ending of the war of 1812, Monroe found himself in great standings. There were no threats from an opposing party and no threats from international affairs. That is how Monroe so easily persuaded the American people to believe that divisions and fractions did not exist after the war. It was not only that he wanted the American people to believe him but that he, himself wanted to believe that the United States, politically, could bring about and era of good feeling, or at least on the surface. The nationalist spirit seen in (Doc C) that Monroe brought about won him the election in 1820 (Doc I) showing that he was again nominated with no …show more content…
Many people wanted a strong central government. This strong central government was wanted to stabilize and produce a strong economic system that American people could depend on. Others wanted decentralization of government, and for the American people to depend more on themselves to create opportunity to a wider range of people. In the years following the war of 1812 many court cases that displayed both sides were brought into the picture. There was Fletcher v. Peck, Dartmouth College v. Woodward, and McCulloh v. Maryland. In McCulloh v. Maryland the questions of congress of were brought up. That included, could congress charter a bank? And, could individual states ban it or tax it? That it shown in (Doc D) and that the decision was difficult to make. The final decisions of most of the cases brought about a control from federal government that some people appreciated and some people seriously opposed to. It was seen that the federal government could help protect economic values in American