The rise of the papacy came at a time when the Roman Empire collapsed and there was chaos as it related to the bishops who held office in Rome and what religion would be at the forefront of the representation of the west or east of Rome since its demise. The term “papacy” (papatus), meant to distinguish the Roman bishop’s office from all bishoprics (episcopatus), and The Head of the Roman Catholic Church the pope is considered the successor of Peter and the vicar of Christ (Elwell, p. 888). The “pope” is a terms of endearment which means “father” and this was the title of the most important and influential bishops in the early church. The church at Rome nevertheless enjoyed and wanted to preserve the original apostolic faith and the prominence, and they as bishops also owned its apostolic “founders” and to its political setting, and this led to the inspiration of these bishops to exercise greater leadership in Rome and abroad (Elwell, p. 888). Most emperors and patriarchs of Constantinople, challenged the bishops and their beliefs by saying that the church in Rome is new and improved but that they are still believe in the old Roman church. The popes or bishops were not moved by their words and they knew that they were not living up to the apostolic ways of the founding fathers who came before them and that their primacy was derived from Peter and not from their political setting which in turn made their claim to fame to be truly based upon the “apostolic”(Elwell, p. 888). The Apostle Peter was sent to Rome by Jesus to build God’s Church. In Matthew 16:18, NLT, says 18 Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’),[a] and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell[b]…
and supported an attack on the emperor by the German nobility. The pope and the emperor, as separate powers and allies,…
In the case of the emperors, their authority had been transformed into something more ephemeral. “Emperors”, states John Larner, “when they intervened in Italy, appear as ghosts feared at first through their re-evocation of the past, yet soon mocked with the swift realisation of their impotent insubstantiality”. The empire, it seemed, was to be progressively confined only to the German lands; the emperors’ powers being checked from within by the great princes and city-states of empire, and from abroad, by the defiant will of regional kings. The authority of the other universal power, the papacy, by all appearances, was in decline also. The papacy’s sphere of influence apparently shrinking, with its attention primarily focused on France and the states of Italy. This appeared to be exacerbated by the Avignon Captivity which supposedly subjected the papacy to the will of the French monarchy. Seemingly, in the words of Joseph Strayer, the idea of the universal empires “had never been anything but a dream”. Yet, this commonly held conclusion; that fourteenth-century witnessed the final breaking of the authority of the universal powers, is questionable. As Watts explains, although few emperors invaded Italy after the 1320s, “the ideal of a universal secular prince certainly persisted”, as its jurisdictional claims “could not easily be…
Four gunshots reverberated throughout the crowded streets of Saint Peter’s Square, May 13, 1981. A shocked man looked down at his blood-stained once white robe. He was rushed to the Hospital while his would-be assassin, Mehmet Ali Agca was detained until arrested. Within four days of being shot, Karol Wojtyla, more commonly known as Saint Pope John Paul the Great forgave the man from his hospital bed and later went and visited Agca and personally forgave the man that shot him. Millions of people were shocked by the Holy Father’s choice to visit the man that wished him dead, but in doing so, the Pope wordlessly showed his followers what it means to love and forgive others. At the time Pope John Paul II was the spiritual leader of almost 60 million Roman Catholics. He had already acquired a reputation as being a charismatic leader. People came from all over the world to be inspired by his message--that of sacrificial…
As the church’s power declined, the monarchs began to rise in power. The monarch’s rise in power encouraged and established absolutism, such as in England, Spain, and France. During this period, the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment were occurring. After the Crusades, Italian city-states such as Florence, Milan, Venice and Genoa, became wealthy merchants…
After the fall of Rome, no single state or government united the people who lived on the European continent. Instead, the Catholic Church became the most powerful influence of the medieval period. Kings, queens…
Have you ever wanted to pray before a test, but didn’t know who to pray to? Saint Thomas Aquinas is the patron saint of students and education. Throughout his life, he taught us various ways on how to believe in what we believe in. He also taught us to chase our dreams, even when it is not approved by the people around us.…
It may seem odd or different to admire and acclaim Folly, but there is a definite benefit to foolishness: the freedom to tell only factual information. In Praise of Folly, Erasmus put this independence to good use in repeating to the readers, a civilization significantly besmirched by mature worries, that a person is unable to serve both God and Mammon. He leveled over his irony by promising us that "there is merit in being attacked by Folly" (7), and closed with the recap that "it's Folly and a woman who's been speaking" (134), a renunciation that permitted him to be as brutal as he desired to be in his condemnation. He definitely found necessity for severity, for the standards he saw at the center of Christianity, the sympathy and detriment of the Scriptures, were everywhere stunned by gluttony, drive, and fallacy. Having the disguise of Folly, Erasmus critiqued the developing middle-class financial values, policies of hierarchy, and even Catholicism itself, and in the course he safeguarded the traditional Christian ethic, which appears as Folly to the world.…
After the fall of Rome, no single state or government united the people who lived on the European continent. Instead, the Catholic Church became the most powerful institution of the medieval period. Kings, queens and other leaders derived much of their power from their alliances with and protection of the Church.…
Since the lives of the people in medieval Europe mostly revolved around faith and on what they believe in, mainly their religion, the effect of the Church in the middle ages on the citizens was huge. The church controlled the people as it was the main center of religious and social life. All Christians belonged to the Roman Catholic Church and it was considered that the church was as important, if not more, than any king or queen. In fact, a king could only be the king if the church approved it, otherwise he could be kicked out anytime the church wished. The pope was the absolute political and social leader of the church and as the church had the most authority, he controlled almost everything in all Christian nations which were sometimes called Christendom during the Middle Ages. The main reason of the immense power of the church was the fact that it owned over one-third of all the land in Europe (largest landholder) and collected a large amount of tax from the public. Power disputes were common between the pope and the crown. Since generally the clergy of the church were the only people who could read, they could easily misuse the holy bible in order to manipulate the people of medieval Europe.…
St. Francis of Assisi was one of the most famous of saints. So popular, the current pope, Pope Francis chose this as his catholic name – the patron saint of animals.…
This began a two century struggle between popes and emperors. The first part of the struggle is called the “Investiture Controversy” which lasted between 1070 to 1125. This conflict was saw both anti-popes rise and fake emperors talk false claims of legitimacy. The second phase came as the Homenstaufen family, having defeated during the Investiture Controversy, tried to re-instate the faltering empire as a secular, feudal state. In this conflict, the word “holy” was placed in the name of the empire to separate the Empire and the Papacy. The emperors believed the Empire was inheritably sacred and did not need the Pope’s blessing to the Empire. The emperors also still believed Italy was in the Empire, which in turn saw the opposition of the Papal States. After the death of Emperor Frederick II in 1250, the Holy Roman Empire was in complete ruin. The emperors held any local authority if that. The empire would not rise up any more times after that. It was no longer a single “state” but a touchy alliance between princes under a powerless Emperor. “Of the German Nation” was added during the late 14th Century when all of Italy and the rest of Europe were out of the Empire’s…
In the 16th century people started to not like how the Roman Catholic Church was running the church so they started to share their ideas about the church. The person who started the reformation was Luther. Luther made complaints and called them the 95 theses and people used the printing press to share his ideas. The Roman Catholic Church did not like the 95 theses and wanted Luther died. Luther ending up winning against the church and started a new called Lutheranism which believed in faith alone.…
How could one change of mind lead to the change of a whole population? The transition between Middle Ages to the Renaissance flowed and changed drastically from being religiously oriented to being centered on the human. The changes undergone by countries involved in the renaissance were dramatic.Where the European Renaissance took place and what it is about is surprising but also important, with the way of thinking that revolutionized art and literature, and the movement of humanism that changed the culture.…
Webster, Noah. An American dictionary of the English language. New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1970.…