Vocabulary: Please define six (6) of the following terms in your own words. Please do not just copy and paste the definition.…
The purpose of this paper is to address the significance of child development milestones and to bring awareness to the significance of developmental awareness in children from birth to five years of age. More specifically I am going to address areas of developmental strengths and weaknesses that were discovered through the application of a very helpful and important diagnostic tool for child development, a developmental milestone checklist. Even further I am going to incorporate the understandings gained from the observation of two specific…
By the age of four in preparation for kindergarten, she was adequate in same sound words, such as picking out the vocabulary that rhymed from a list of words. She was developing her language and was adequate in this skill, in my opinion, since she was becoming more interested in reading and in learning more about different topics and words. She always wanted to know about everything around her. In her cognitive skills, the testing teachers thought it would be best to provide some stressful situations in education. This is so they could figure out if she could handle the new information thrown at her in preparation for kindergarten. She became very nervous and stressed out in some of these situations, which became a concern for me. I wanted to work more on her self-care skills…
The ECERS-R assessment is an environmental rating scale that is designed to assess group programs that serve children ages two through five. The assessment is constructed into seven categories that focus on the various interactions that take place within a classroom setting. They include interactions with environment, teachers, parents, and other children. For this assessment the chosen facility is the Cornerstone Center for Early Learning. This facility serves children six weeks old to five years old, but for this assessment, the designated classroom included children ages three to five. The funding for this facility includes a mixture of parent contribution and three government programs that include USDA, Head Start, and State Tuition Assistance.…
Following the EYFS guidance I will provide opportunities for your child to gain the skills they should have acquired by the end of the academic year in which they reach the age of 5 years. I will also use assessment materials to ascertain your child’s achievements these documents will be available for you to view at any time and will be passed on to your child’s next setting.…
Answer: When supporting the child's development, I will have observed the child looking at all the areas of the EYFS. I would have linked it. After I would have written my next steps. This will be effective because I can see what stage and in what area within the EYFS the child is at. I would then plan an activity that would be challenging. This will help me know what resources I need for the activity and also help the child further their development in a fun and happy way.…
My RCS Capstone Experience challenged me by forcing me to speak infront of a large group of people, who have had more years of experience than I have. Also a physical challenge for I had to develope my upper body strength for the training I had to endure. Both of these things pushed me out of my confort zone, but in the long run I know they will be valuable skills for the future. I have been a volunteer at Jacobs Creek Fire Department for three years, but even with these years there is still always room for improvement. This topic is important to me because the people in my station are like family to me. I know even on my worst of days that they will always have your back. In addition being in the fire department brought me and my dad closer,…
Academic writing is a vital instrument for the proper thoughts expression which will provide the reader with a cohesive and balanced information. Taking ESL 273 has greatly improved my writing and organizing skills. Unfortunately, my strong sides, consisted of detailed examples and powerful grammar structure, weren't realized as much as they could or usually implemented. However, my weakest side, minor grammar errors, turned to opposite due to intensive practice. Additionally, I've learned plenty of new techniques in paraphrasing, cohesive writing, creating a well-developed introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. I'm satisfied with my progress and knowledge I've received and define myself as completely prepared to move on the academic path to ESL 5.…
ENGL 202 was a tremendous experience for my second quarter at Humphrey's University. I feel that I have benefited from the knowledge gained from the course and learned vastly to working and analyzing not only my own writings but also with other writings. In the beginning of this course, we have learned how to specifically understand how a well-versed paper can be defined and what it is not. The first essay that we analyzed was based off a concerned parent to beauty pageants for children under 10 years of age. We first analyzed her topic and learned that while it is a concerning issue, her essay was no more than a simple rant that lacks research and specific data that would be relevant to her essay. From there we analyzed other topics that, while they were well-researched topics, they had specific “holes” in them that affected their credibility, such as a lack of authority towards the author or missing valuable research. One in particular was to an author that relied on emotion for being against the death penalty. These helped us to analyze essays better and to learn what not to do in a research assignment. This next element of…
PLC Final Reflection Describe/discuss how your PLC meetings and your learning, influenced your practice? Please provide specific examples related to what you learned when you presented your own practice, as well as what you learned when your colleagues shared their practice. Our PLC group has influenced my practice by making me aware of the focus areas to improve my practice. As I compiled my information, I realized I should have varied my assignments and given the self-check part of the assignment to the inclusion class only. The other students felt it was not challenging for them.…
One morning I helped one of my resident (Mrs X) have a wash and get dressed in her bedroom.…
Reflection allows an individual to identify the reasons or purpose of understanding the outcome of a particular situation in depth in term of emotions on thought and feeling on the topic area. In addition, Reflection is something that we do implicitly as part of being human, underpinning our identities through a process of negotiation between our sense of self and our experiences of others (Demetriou, 2000, p.210). Therefore, I have implemented this quote in my professional and personal goals I wanted and have achieved thought-out the process of the module. I have made continues effort in building my confidence in situations that I have felt uncomfortable in.…
EBD student’s exhibit challenging behaviors, emotional instability, and are opposed to change. Therefore, once a student with EBD is place in the general classroom, the student might encounter challenges with learning and create problems and threats for the teacher as well as their peers. Teachers need to remember that students with EBD have the same rights as everyone else; the students with EBD need a specific teaching strategy and approach to assessments and instruction. Teachers need to establish a teacher student relationship to assist in the techniques and the learning process.…
Children with ADHD and EBD should stay in the general classrooms and obey the same rules as the other students. These children should have educational plans, behavioral treatment sessions, self-regulation instruction, and effective interventions. Children need positive reinforcement, time-outs, and discipline.…
The children who suffer from EBD have a hard time coping with this disorder. The majority of them have to be tested further and diagnosed to be given medication to deal with academically. What are some of the strategies the parents, the government, and the educators use to help the children cope with the different levels of behavior issues? The government determination of dealing with the children with EBD is putting them on medication to keep them calm to succeed in a school setting.…