Eric G Peppers
HCS/438 Statistical Applications
October 8, 2012
Gerald Rintala
Statistical Significance
Identification of a statistic as being significant is more difficult than the novice statistician may at first understand. At the most rudimentary definition, a significant finding simply means the statistic is reliable. This term states how convinced you are that a relationship or difference may exist. Bennett, et al states, “we determine statistical significance by using probability to quantify the likelihood that a result may have occurred by chance,” (Bennett, Briggs, Triola. 2009, p. 235). Testing a hypothesis is required for all professionals who wish to practice in an evidence-based system. The left and right tailed hypothesis tails illustrate critical values, which lead to decisions from practitioners. I chose an article published in Public Health Nutrition: Parenting practices are associated with fruit and vegetable consumption in pre-school children (O’Conner, et al). What statistical procedures are mentioned in the study? Through exploratory analysis on cross sectional data, the authors tested the counterproductive parenting practices. Parents may restrictions and pressures to eat fruits and vegetables. A number of correlates were identified …show more content…
such as K-means cluster analysis, stepwise linear regression analysis. What conclusions did the study reach?
Are the conclusions appropriate? Why or why not? As any parent may find glaringly obvious, the study found that the parents who used a variety of practices had the best result in promoting the intake of fruits and vegetables in the preschool child. The data suggests parental influences were significant for child nutritional behavior. The study indicated further research was needed to determine if the statistically significant findings would be the same with an increased structure and non-directive control to be able to replicate the findings. As a parent, I believe these conclusions are
appropriate. Are the findings statistically significant? Why or why not? Describe the process you used to make this determination and provide the level of significance. Recalling my early parenting years and the struggle to influence a better food choice in my children, I can agree with the conclusions as being statistically significant and reliable. Further, I approached the significance testing and calculated the statistic was higher than the critical value from the table.
Bennett, J. O., Briggs, W. L., & Triola, M .F. (2009). Statistical reasoning for everyday life (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
O 'Connor, T.,M., Hughes, S. O., Watson, K. B., Baranowski, T., Nicklas, T. A., Fisher, J. O., . . . Shewchuk, R. M. (2010). Parenting practices are associated with fruit and vegetable consumption in pre-school children. Public Health Nutrition, 13(1), 91-101. doi: