Lars failed from young to resolve developmental crises at various stages, accumulating negative attributes. In an early scene, Mrs Gruner neighbourly nudges Lars; a young adult, to get a girlfriend; Erikson’s sixth developmental stage; …show more content…
Shame and doubt, the negative attributes of seeking autonomy, are associated with ‘being completely exposed and conscious of being looked at’ (Erikson 1968). Constant encouragement then would enable Lars to develop autonomy and control over his domain. Owing to the probable lack of encouragement from his unresponsive father, Lars developed doubt about his capabilities. He lacked situational control and control over his own domain, observable by the way he was chased out into the garage by Gus and Karin so easily when they returned to the …show more content…
This can be observed by how Lars used techniques to enable others to like him; he repeats people’s names (because they like it) and wears thick clothing so that when others touch him, he would not display inappropriate behaviour, as he tends to recoil at touch. He resorts to techniques and strategies to cope with others.
Stage Three of Erikson’s theory describes a child’s ability to develop capacities to initiate and explore; a process encouraged by family members (Erikson, 1968). Lars’s brother was still around to offer some basic orientation during play but we know that boys’ antisocial interaction patterns with their parents lead to subsequent peer relational difficulties (Ladd, 1999). Lars did not have functional parental relationships, hence he experienced difficulty initiating peer relationships as well, resulting in his antisocial quality. He chops as escapism whenever he encountered peer relational