2. Reflect on if and how your reading of the social theories of Erikson (and possibly Peck, Neugarten, Maslow, Levinson and other lifespan theorists) changed your mind about older adulthood.
3. And, as a result, finish your essay by quickly writing several responses to this phrase, “When I am old I will ..."
Erik Erikson, a theorist helped give light to the way we develop cognitively as humans. He gave us stages of development an helped us cope with death as we reach stage 8. Erikson did this by giving an alternate view to psychosocial development. Erikson’s theory includes eight stages in our psychosocial …show more content…
So through Erikson's theory of stages approaching stage of integrity vs, despair is the most substantial and is the finishing product of a creation. We are all a creation of ourselves and as our families and friends have impacted us, we have learned and built who we are and gone through all or Erikson's 8 stages of development. Being I am not at this stage myself I went ahead and asked a few family members that I felt might be at this stage of life. I questioned their fulfillment of life, regret and fear or accomplishment. My grandmother Joan, possessed a huge fear of death, and small amount of self accomplishment. Through the years being a single mother of three life seemed to feel more as a job then as blessing. Finally owning a home at age 60, and now one dream was fulfilled another reality set in and her depleting health took a toll on her ability to enjoy life. I can understand the fear of death and not knowing what is to come and worst of all leaving loved ones behind. Age is not the only factor of this stage but a patient that battles a serious illness may come to terms of her faith more rapidly then others. Part of my job is post mortem care, and my first patient was on new years day of 2012. If a person possesses ma deep sense of life, such as myself, death seemed so real and simple. Life is a creation I find to be a spectacular creation often leaving me wonder, how people view me or judge me. As humans we have this amazing mind that is all our own, and our private thoughts and emotions are our unless we chose to share