Submitted by: Alger Morrison
Prepared for:
Dr. Margaret Hopkins
College of Business and Innovation
The University of Toledo
November 8, 2012
Often times, it takes a moment of adversity for the true leader inside someone to come to life. When nothing in life seemed to go right, Erin Brockovich, a struggling single mother of two, thought life had gotten the best of her. With her back against the wall, Brockovich's only option was to push forward and fight for her family's survival. It was curiosity that led to the tipping point in her life, but more importantly, it was her own determination, hard work ethic, and perseverance that allowed her to show the people in her life that she was capable of making a difference in society. A leader lived inside Brockovich her whole life – it was a lack of passion that held it back. The answer for Brockovich laid buried in a small lawsuit that her employer reluctantly took little notice to – but it caught the attention of Brockovich. Her interest and passion to dig deeper into the case eventually developed into the largest direct-action lawsuit in history. More importantly, however, the case highlights the true leader inside Brockovich. Brockovich's values and personal vision enhanced the case and transformed her into a resonant, intelligent, and trustworthy leader. The leadership style, competencies, influence tactics, and communication strategies that Brockovich developed turned her life around and simultaneously made a difference in society. Erin Brockovich takes pride in the work she does. She relies on her gut instinct and holds her ground. Her self-awareness is more accurate than not – she knows she has made mistakes and she knows she has not been the best character for her kids. But above all she holds herself accountable and lives with a high level of integrity. Doing the right things all the time is important to Brockovich and her