Detectives:Hezakya, Kaleb, Halle
We were outside of Ernie’s cafe at about 1:27 PM when we heard a gunshot coming from inside. When we entered there was a dead man named Fannin. Ernie, the owner and only employe could only tell us one thing: the murderer had leaned against the wall while firing at pointblank range. The imprint of his hand is in clear view. The cash register has just been rung up at $8.75. The murderer shot with his left hand, there is a right hand print on the wall, if the murderer was leaning on the wall, he had his right hand on the wall so he must have shot with his left hand. In general, when people shoot they shoot with their hand that is not on the wall.
With what we found we think that costumers B, C and D know each other because generally,