Enterprise Resource Planning
What is ERP?
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization. ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software application. Their purpose is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders.”
Primarily a system for manufacturers (although there are many other broad-based information systems marketed as ERP in other industries), ERP is available from a wide range of vendors in a number of different forms to fill the needs of all types and sizes of manufacturing companies.
ERP solutions can be categorized in a number of different ways—by the size of the solution or the market share of the supplier; by the specific vertical industry that the system is designed to support; or according to the technology platform it runs on.
Why do we use ERP?
At its core, ERP helps employees do their jobs more efficiently by breaking down barriers between business units. More specifically, an ERP solution:
Gives a global, real-time view of data that can enable companies to address concerns proactively and drive improvements
Improves financial compliance with regulatory standards and reduces risk
Automates core business operations such as lead-to-cash, order-to-fulfillment, and procure-to-pay processes
Enhances customer service by providing one source for billing and relationship tracking.
There are two main driving forces behind Enterprise Resource Planning for a business organization.
1. In a business sense, Enterprise Resource Planning ensures customer satisfaction, as it leads to business development that is development of new areas, new products and new services. Also, it allows businesses to face competition for implementing Enterprise Resource Planning, and it ensures efficient processes that push