A. Risk that are identified with the implementation of ERP 1. Lack of alignment between organization strategies. 2. Lack of Control 3. Complexity of the Project
B. Commitment of top level management.
1. IT literature has clearly demonstrated that for IT projects success management support is critical.
2. By ERP any organization goes through a major change this should be planned strategically.
3. The success of ERP is completely dependent on top management.
C. Reengineering the whole organization structure
1. Implementation of ERP involves restructuring the organization to business standards.
2. Some businesses are complex therefore ERP need customization.
3. Cost of reengineering and customizing the software according to needs in very high.
D. Integration of ERP is same for every company
1. Most companies want a single solution for their problems from ERP.
2. Integration by far now has been estimated as the most expensive process in ERP implementation.
3. Organizations need to understand the efficiency of integration process.
In order to achieve maximum efficiency the risk associated with any task must be minimized. Many engineering, medical firm install different types of tools to overcome the risk factor. This is done through the identification of inherent, control and detection of risk followed by the establishment of an acceptable specified level of overall risk that is function of other risks 1. The same reason can be thought upon for the implementation of an ERP system. In order to have successful implementation of the ERP the firms need identify the risk associated with every task and apply appropriate controls put in place to minimize the risks.
The lack of alignment between the organization strategy, structure, and processes and the chosen ERP application is one risk that is repeatedly
References: 1- Arens, A.A.; Loebbecke, J.K. (1997): Auditing: An Integrated Approach. PrenticeHall. Upper Saddle River. NJ 2- Davenport, T.H. (July/August 1998): “Putting the Enterprise into the Enterprise System”, Harvard Business Review, vol.76, n.4: 121-133. 3- Barki, H.; Rivard, S.; Talbot, J. (Fall 1993): “Toward an Assessment of Software Development Risk”, Journal of Management Information Systems, vol.10, n.2:203-225. a- Davenport, T., "Putting the Enterprise into the Enterprise System," Harvard Business Review, July August 1998, Vol. 76, No. 4, pp. 121-131. b- Melymuka, K., "ERP is Growing from Being Just an Efficiency Tool to One That Can Also Help a Company Grow," Computerworld, September 1998. c- Edwards, J., "Expanding the Boundaries of ERP," CIO, July 1, 1998. d- Schwartz, K., "Putting Consultants on Your Team," Beyondcomputing, Vol. 7, No.6, August 1998