In my contract there are a few terms and conditions which are mentioned below:
• Absence due to sickness
• Holiday entitlement and other statutory leave
• Health and safety at work
• Recruiting and firing people
• Trade unions and workers’ rights
• Pensions
• Payroll
• Contracts of employment
• Working hours
(give one example, add what you would do when you are sick, the protocol for that.)
ERR1-2.2 Describe the information shown on own pay statement.
On my payslip it shows me my name so I know it is mine, the amount I have been paid for my hours, my national insurance number, the hours I have worked, money I have lost for being off sick, the amount of tax I have paid …show more content…
My next step will to complete my level 3 and to continue to access as much training and development as possible as part of my CPD, to keep up to date with current and new legislation, for example, assessment of the Reviewed EYFS and to consider studying for further courses such as a small business course and or a management course.
ERR1-5.1 Identify occasions where the public have raised concerns regarding issues within the sector.
There have been many incidents in the last few years which have raised concerns with the public about the early years and child care sector, such as those child protection issues listed above. Due to the nature of the sector, ie working with and to protect young children, any causes for concern become very high priority and gain lots of interest in the media, especially for high profile cases such as Baby P and Victoria Climbie. The public interest in these and other child protection issues such as the use of mobile phones, permeates the public consciousness and quite rightly becomes deeply embedded in government initiatives to be amended, for example, the Reviewed EYFS now stipulates that every setting has to have a policy regarding use of mobile