MHA 601
Dr. Hwang Ji-lu
February 23, 2014
Introduction In health care with the postmodernism (PM) and complex adaptive system (CAS), strategic thinking is an ability to view operations, issues and problems as they transform over years. The error avoidance is determining the causes of the problem outside the department, and the health care setting, to customers, competitors and environmental forces. This sort of system thinking is managers recognize constant changes within health care. There are different types of professional mindsets that affect and involve a number of employees in development, and the delivery of health care …show more content…
According to Johnson (2009, p. 80) this is done regardless of differences in cultural interpretation of organizational hierarchies and therefore causing the potential for conflict among employees and between employees and management caused by different expectations of roles. This means according to Johnson (2009, p. 73) a dilemma is a set of circumstances in the world that has no correct answer, but rather a circumstance where different points of view and issues of concerns come to the table together. In view of the PM and CAS system this should be a general orientation for all employees in a brief history and the mission and vision of the health care organization. In addition, not to create conflicts within the organizations culture there needs to be the development of different roles. This would be the special practices within the organizational charts, specific departments and managers should have departmental orientations for the transition to the training phase of support and clinical …show more content…
The health care system is moving forward. This means constant change in the mission and vision of an organization. An organization needs to develop training programs, collaborate and disseminate information to all stakeholders. In health care with the postmodernism (PM) and complex adaptive system (CAS), strategic thinking is an ability to view operations, issues and problems as they transform over years. The error avoidance is determining the causes of the problem outside the department, and the health care setting, to customers, competitors and environmental forces. This paper illustrated challenges in the process and errors managers have in employee development, policies/procedures, rewards and the community in market analysis.
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