MHA 601
Dr. Hwang Ji-lu
February 23, 2014
Introduction In health care with the postmodernism (PM) and complex adaptive system (CAS), strategic thinking is an ability to view operations, issues and problems as they transform over years. The error avoidance is determining the causes of the problem outside the department, and the health care setting, to customers, competitors and environmental forces. This sort of system thinking is managers recognize constant changes within health care. There are different types of professional mindsets that affect and involve a number of employees in development, and the delivery of health care …show more content…
services. This paper will illustrate challenges in the process and errors managers have in employee development, policies/procedures, rewards and the community in market analysis.
Managers Model the Process Managers have been traditionally taught to be good problem solvers: find out what is wrong and fix it (Johnson, 2009, p. 73). According to Johnson (2009) in order for managers to model the way Postmodernism (PS) and Complex Adaptive System (CAS) are two system approaches to managing healthcare organizations. CAS models the way managers develop strategies in relationships among agents, between agents and their environment that most affects the quality of the system (Johnson, 2009, p.71). According to Johnson (2009) the PS is an umbrella term for a group of philosophical ideas that challenged the assumptions of modernism and the resultant social and historical viewpoints. Therefore there are several managerial errors to avoid. According to Johnson (2009, p. 80) the first error is the manager’s failure to account for employees to learn safe machine operations. This means when employees are left to experiment with operational equipment they will cut corners, speed up production and in so doing reduce the procedural effect they are required to use Johnson (2009). In the CAS approach the manager would pay attention to the system and not the individuals. Therefore the manager would identify operational procedures, risk and train step-by-step instructions under OSHA regulations in a training manual and how maintenance is performed in safe operations of equipment (Allen, 2012).
The second error is putting all employees through the same orientation pre-in-service training.
According to Johnson (2009, p. 80) this is done regardless of differences in cultural interpretation of organizational hierarchies and therefore causing the potential for conflict among employees and between employees and management caused by different expectations of roles. This means according to Johnson (2009, p. 73) a dilemma is a set of circumstances in the world that has no correct answer, but rather a circumstance where different points of view and issues of concerns come to the table together. In view of the PM and CAS system this should be a general orientation for all employees in a brief history and the mission and vision of the health care organization. In addition, not to create conflicts within the organizations culture there needs to be the development of different roles. This would be the special practices within the organizational charts, specific departments and managers should have departmental orientations for the transition to the training phase of support and clinical …show more content…
The third error according to Johnson (2009p. 80) is improper conduct and disciplining employees expecting a change in behavior and getting a union response. Therefore rules to work by are simple, and all parties involved agree that if an employee engages in detrimental activities to the best interest of the organization, clients or employees then the employee will be appropriately disciplined. In problem solving CS and PM ask how do we achieve this and that Johnson (2009, p. 73). This means all employees must follow policies and procedures through the personnel handbook. According to Johnson (2009, p. 80) the fourth error is changing a work process without consideration the role of the communities on work performance. The community in a health care setting is the management and development of the community, and how the relationship benefits individuals, social conditions and quality performance in delivery services (Van Loon, 2007).
The fifth error, According to Johnson (2009, p. 80) is assuming that employees will not relocate work assignments based on perception of the best arrangement even after receiving work allocation assignments from management. Cross functional teams work best in a health care setting and include representatives from a clinical or nonclinical area on specific transferred task or agenda assignments (Thompson, 2010). According to Johnson (2009, p. 80) messages are the speed of information or communication with which the informal organization can transmit messages and failing to manage rumors. This is the sixth error, that falls under CS and PM in healthcare management understanding uncertain natures of reality, and the implications of that uncertainty for managerial action Johnson (2009, p. 78). Therefore this would be rules to work by and engaging in improper verbal conduct which reflects on the medical facility.
According to Johnson (2009, p. 81) the seventh error is failing to treat the organization’s dominant logic, as an emergent property of the system and, instead, treating it as something that can impose on the system. This is like the mission and vision of the health care system. In delivering high quality services and strong improvement programs, while maintaining cost effect operations of the system. When this system is not executed within the health care delivery system, then the environment is not empowering in a positive and supportive working conditions for all employees. The eight errors are looking for one bad apple in a group as a strategy for improving work quality, when the quality of output may be an emergent property of the group Johnson (2009, p. 81). This is like a conflict of participants that management needs a solution in grievance procedures. The resolution is to investigate, obtain information to decrease the audience and direct behavior back to the organizations goal oriented activities Thompson (2010).
The ninth and tenth errors are marketing analysis and internal rewards Johnson (2009, p. 81). The ninth error is the release of a new product into the market, but ignoring the fact that a new product may change the market in such a way as to make the market analysis incorrect Johnson (2009). CAS theory calls our attention to the diversity of agents in the system and the capacity to learn Johnson (2009, p. 78). Therefore, according to Van Loon (2007) the strategic direction in the health care market analysis must have a functional area, strategic capabilities, geographic data and resources in patient center care and services. The tenth error is offering a premium to internal workers for extra production without expecting the change in reward structure to affect relationships with suppliers Johnson (2009). According to Johnson (2009, p. 76) leadership skill involves the ability to help people be reflective about situations in which they find themselves and their organization. Therefore this is a major conflict of interest. The supplier now feels alienated in services and rewards. The manager has a responsibility to build that relationship and improve the merit system to external contactors.
The above examples illustrate manager’s errors and provide a model process to increase leadership skills.
The health care system is moving forward. This means constant change in the mission and vision of an organization. An organization needs to develop training programs, collaborate and disseminate information to all stakeholders. In health care with the postmodernism (PM) and complex adaptive system (CAS), strategic thinking is an ability to view operations, issues and problems as they transform over years. The error avoidance is determining the causes of the problem outside the department, and the health care setting, to customers, competitors and environmental forces. This paper illustrated challenges in the process and errors managers have in employee development, policies/procedures, rewards and the community in market analysis.
Allen, J.T. (2012). OSHA Training for Machine Guarding. Retrieved from Johnson, J. (2009). Health organizations: Theories, behavior, and development. Boston: Jones and Bartlett.
Thompson, J. M. (2010). Collaboration in health care marketing and business development.
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Van Loon, A. (2007). The changing professional role of community nurses. Hoboken, NJ:
Blackwell Publisher. Retrieved from