Erwin Rommel Jr. was born on November 15, 1891 in Swabian.His father Erwin Rommel Sr., was a schoolmaster in Heidenheim in Wurttemberg , and Rommel's mother was Helene von Luz was a daughter of the local Regierungs-Prasident.As a child, he was even tempered and was unremarkable academically and athletically. After high school, Rommel Jr. was thinking of applying to the Zeppelin works at
Friederichshafen, but his father, the ex-artillery officer, advised him to go to the army instead. In July, 1910, Rommel became a cadet with the 124th Wurttemberg Infantry Regiment in the 26th
InfantryDivision of the German Imperial Infantry.He served as cadet in the Army until March 1911.Then he attended the prestigious military academy Konigliche Kriegsschule in Danzig and he left the academy in November of 1911. During Rommel's stay he also met the love of his life, Lucy Mollin, whom he would write to everyday during both World Wars and he rose to Leiutenant: Corporal in October and
Sergeant at the end of the year.Rommel first showed his courage and intellect during World War 1 when a group of 15 to 20 French soldiers were spotted by he and his reconnaissance of three other men. Rommel opened fire and dropped 10 of the group with regular rifles. His second encounter was 800 yards northeast of Bleid, at freshly dug French trenches. He charged and repulsed all French with only parts of his regiment Then Rommel with two other men drove off a whole French column. After this, Rommel passed out from lack of sleep. When he awakened, a confused firefight had begun. He immediately rallied his men and repulsed the French attack. The battle of Longwy resulted in a loss of 15% of Rommel's men and 25% of his officers. After the battle, medical doctors informed Rommel that he was suffering from food poisoning, but Rommel would not leave the field. In his first action as Battalion Adjutant, Rommel and a group of 13 men repulsed a charge of 2 French