Conditions that can result in a break or cut in the skin are athlete’s foot and eczema.
Erysipelas may also occur when the bacteria spreads to the nasal passages which can lead to an infection to the nose and throat.Other causes of Erysipelas include insect bites, swollen legs due to health problems, or the injection of illegal drugs. Young children between the ages of two and six and adults over the age of sixty are more likely to contract Erysipelas. The diagnosis of Erysipelas is simple. Your doctor can typically diagnose Erysipelas through a physical examination and through questioning you about symptoms you are experiencing. Erysipelas can usually be treated at home. But, depending on the severity of your condition may have to be treated at the hospital by medication or in some cases surgery. If your case is severe enough to need hospitalization, you will most likely be treated with intravenous medications. Surgery would only be an option if the infection were causing your healthy skin cells to
die. In that case, surgery may be needed to cut away the dead tissue. To try and help to prevent yourself from contracting Erysipelas, always make sure to keep wounds clean, treat athlete’s foot if you have it, and make sure any skin problems are properly treated.