The results show that tea tree and eucalyptus have about the same antibacterial activity as the positive control (ampicillin) used in this experiment. Oregano and colloidal silver’s zone of inhibition were closer to h2O, which concludes that at the amount used for both there is no antibacterial…
The purpose of the unknown bacteria lab assignment was to select an unknown bacteria culture and, through a series of metabolic tests, identify which bacteria genus resided in the pure culture received. A nutrient broth inoculated with bacterial culture (numbered 45, henceforth referenced as U45) was selected and a streak plate was made to isolate a pure culture for use throughout the assignment.…
Purpose: To be familiarized with the science and techniques used to identify different types of bacteria based on their DNA sequences.…
E. coli O157H7 What is the morphology and gram reaction of this pathogen (2) E. coli, including E. coli O157H7 is a gram-negative bacillus. What do (i) O157 and (ii) H7 attached to the name of this bacterium represent (2). The O157 is the O HYPERLINK http// serotype antigen that identifies the E. coli strain, and the H7 represents the antigen type on the HYPERLINK http// bacteriums flagella. This strain of E. coli was harmless until it acquired the gene for a toxin via a genetic mechanism call transduction. Describe how a bacterium can acquire new genes by transduction. (2) With transduction the transfer of DNA between organisms involves mediation of viruses called bacteriophages or phages. A phage infected a susceptible bacterium and during its process of replication and assembly a phage incorporates a segment of bacterial DNA. The bacterium will lyses and releases the mature phages. One of the phages has the incorporated bacterial DNA, that one are called defective virus. This defective virus infected other bacterium but instead of injecting viral nucleic acid it is injecting bacterial DNA. The new infected bacterium will recombine its own DNA with the received bacterial DNA from the phages. The virus will not replicate or lyses the cell because it is a defective virus. The bacterium survives and can use this new genetic material that was incorporated into its chromosome. In what year did this strain of E. coli first appear (1) E. coli O157H7 was first recognized as a pathogen in 1982. Name the toxin produced by this strain. State whether it is an endotoxin or an exotoxin. (2) The name of the toxin is Shiga-like toxin (SLT), it is also known by verocytotoxin. This toxin is an exotoxin. What is the incubation period of this disease (1) The incubation period is usually 2 to 5 days after infection with a range of 1 to 10 days. State 4 signs/symptoms of…
The purpose of this lab is to successfully infiltrate E. coli bacterial cells with a pARA-R plasmid that is antibiotic resistant and has the rfp gene, or red fluorescent protein. This can be verified if the E. coli obtains the characteristics of the plasmid when it enters. To start, three Petri plates containing agar are needed. On each plate there is a control group and a treatment group; the treatment group being the one with the plasmid. Before the plasmid is put with the E. coli, first the bacteria are “stressed out” by warming them up in a hot water bath and cooling them down very rapidly in ice. The first plate consists of Luria Broth (LB), the second plate consists of LB and the antibiotic ampicillin (amp), and the last one contains LB, amp, and the sugar arabinose (ara). The bacterial cells are subjected to a heat shock and then are placed onto the three plates. The plasmid is spread on to only half of the first two plates, on the sides of the treatment group. Half of the E. coli get the plasmids and the other half do not (that side being the control group). On the third plate the plasmids are spread on the whole plate. The bacteria are left in an…
The laboratory exam will be given on Tuesday December 4th (sections 0375 and 3252) or…
Low dose antibiotics provide a selective evoltuionary pressure to develop antiobitc resistance. Those bacterium that have developed resistance genes (e.g. efflux genes or proteans that break down antiotic molecules) will survive and reporduce, increasing the presense of resistant bacrteruia.…
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to find out which substance, alcohol, antibacterial soap, water, or hydrogen peroxide, is the best at preventing the growth of bacteria.…
B.a prediction is the factor that can change but is prevented from changing during the duration of the experiment…
The devolvement of medical advancements can accelerate medical practices and help health care providers work more efficiently. One of these medical advancements would be a mutated E. coli. So how exactly can a mutated E. coli be an advancement? Well what scientist recently discovered is that this certain mutated bacteria actually will color urine to help diagnose medical diseases. So perhaps this mutated E. coli can make diagnosing certain issues a quicker process than before.…
Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to determine the effectiveness of certain antibiotics and determine their zone of inhibition…
The object of this experiment is to determine how changing the size of the beak of a finch will affect the population as well as the growth rate of the finch’s beak. The reason for the experiment is to evaluate evolution and how it affects the finch’s population, and how natural selection is always present in life. In this experiment I will show that the finch will continue to evolve until its beak has reached the optimal size for sustaining life, when changing the beak size to a much larger size we will see that the finch will have no need for further evolution of its beak and that its population will become much more stable and consistent throughout the years.…
One of the main responsibilities of a medical lab is to determine the identity of pathogenic bacteria. It is important to determine the specific type of bacterium causing disease so the physician is able to correctly treat the patients. The structure of bacteria plays a crucial role of what antibiotics works and which do not. The chemical reaction of the bacteria is also important. Most antibiotics alter or inhibit protein structure, inhibit transcription, inhibit translation, affect cell membrane structure, or alter cell-wall synthesis (1). Bacterial resistance is another pertinent medical reason for identification. The evolution of bacterial resistance has made treatment of diseases much more difficult. Therefore, it is important to know the chemistry, structure, and resistance of the pathogenic bacteria.…
Some bacteria's require a certain amount of light in order to function properly and there fore survive. Escherichia coli is found in the gut and intestines of mammals.…
In 2013, a study on bacterial E. Coli was performed, by Jabus G. Tyerman, to observe how the bacteria reacted with different types of antibiotics. This study was performed over a 60-day period in order for the researchers to obtain some significant data. The…