Your first lesson plan will focus on using effective, research-based strategies for teaching reading comprehension to students with disabilities. For this lesson, you may plan for your choice of grade level, type of classroom, and disability areas. You may use your own classroom, or create a fictional classroom setting for the lesson. Although the Internet is a rich source of free materials and teaching suggestions, this lesson plan and all subsequent plans MUST BE YOUR OWN ORIGINAL CREATION. At least one, if not multiple, research-based strategies for teaching in this content area for students with disabilities should be highlighted in this lesson plan. Your textbook has a plethora of strategies, but you may also seek other strategies as well in other peer-reviewed texts or articles.
This week, the emphasis is to align your lesson objective and activities to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) within the lesson plan. Download the CCSS below for your lesson: Using the lesson plan template found in Week One of your online course (or all the elements included in the template), the following components are required:
a. Lesson title, grade level, subject area
b. Classroom scenario: Description of the classroom for which you are planning the lesson plan (grade level, classroom setting, number of students, and includ...
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