Essay Assignment #2
Malcolm Gladwell in Outliers asserts that cultural background influences our behavior in ways we may not realize. He mentions the hierarchy of an airline cockpit, math ability in certain countries, and a heritage of hard work. Although seemingly non-related, he connects his examples with a theory.
How does cultural background influence behavior both positively and negatively, according to Malcolm Gladwell?
Do you agree with Gladwell? Can cultural background be overcome? Should it be? How can our cultural tendencies be used to their best advantage? Synthesize the various experiences, facts and ideas from the chapters we have read to fully support your essay, using a mix of summary, paraphrase and quotation. Analyze your points with original thought.
Criteria for a Successful Essay:
A well-organized and well-developed expository essay, 3-4 pages (750-1000 words) An introduction that includes enough background information to make your ideas clear to a reader who is not familiar with the book (summary of ideas) and a clear thesis statement. Include a citation of the author and title of the book.
Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence (P), clear evidence and relevant examples(E), followed by your own analysis(A).
Conclusion should revisit idea of thesis and tell why what you have said is important.
Two references to the book (quotation and paraphrase)with citations and reporting phrases
Two words/phrases from your Personal Word List underlined
Two adjective (relative) clauses, one adverbial clause and one noun clause underlined and labeled
Meticulous proofreading before submitting Final Draft
Wed. Mar. 11 First draft due (Thesis & 2 body paragraphs minimum)
Mon. Mar. 16 Peer Review draft due (Bring 2 copies)
Fri. Mar. 20 Third draft due (Revised and nearly complete for in-class editing)
Wed. Apr. 1 Final draft due (folder with all