In this report, I will describe a teacher and her students in an observation I did in a 8th grade of Liceo de San Miguel in Desamparados which is known as a problematic high school due to constantly problems of drugs and alcohol in some of its students. The purpose of this report is to reflect on the teacher’s class organization strategies and class environment in relation with what I have learned in the class of Didactics 1 from the professor Jonnathan Elizondo in the U.I.A. Throughout this paper, a variety of organization techniques will be describe. In order to understand better the method that the teacher used during this observation; is it very important recall that Grammar Translation Method is one of the most traditional methods and it was originally used to translate messages during World War I. Indeed, this method involves little or no spoken communication or listening comprehension. Even though, Grammar Translation Method is out of date, in this class I could observe the use of this method probably because it requires only few demands on the teacher and it could be least stressful for the students.
Before the Observation
After I arranged a day and time to go observe the teacher Ana María Piedra Calderon, she asked me if we could meet few minutes before the class starts to give me a brief issue about the class. We discussed that the first 20 minutes we have to share the class with the students from French as a second language because her classroom was locked and the security guy was looking for the keys in order to get the door open. After that, the teacher said that the focus of this class is reading and her goal is to use reading activities to help them develop second language acquisition. We also briefly discussed the activities that they were going to be doing that day. The students were working on the chapter of the workbook about contamination and recycling. Then, she told me that at the beginning of class she was going to tell