Ilse Kaaja u0887901
Compare/contrast Essay prewriting 1.
Differences between conversational styles in my native language and my second language 1st paragraph Introduction
Thesis statement: The conversational differences between the Finnish and English languages reflect surprisingly well the differences between the Finnish and American cultures. 2nd, 3rd, 4th paragraphs developmental paragraphs Topic sentences:
Finnish people don’t do small talk.
It’s easier to start conversations in English
asking how are you only if you’re interested in knowing the answer
expecting more than just “good” for an answer
“Hi, how are you?” translates into “hello” rather than asking how the other person is actually doing
Finnish people are quiet and calm while Americans are less shy and talkative Staying quiet in Finnish doesn’t mean you are bored, but that you respect your interlocutor.
Letting other people take their time talking/taking your time before answering means you respect them rather than you’re bored
even in large groups of people only one person speaks at a time
“Conversational Ballgames”: Finnish is somewhere between Japanese and American conversational styles Americans expresses feelings more than Finnish speaking people, even with strangers.
Many people say “I love” a lot, about a lot of things
Phrase “I love…” is a very powerful expression in Finnish and used very seldom, other ways to express attachment/devotion 5th paragraph: Conclusion
Both conversational styles could learn from each other.
The differences in conversational styles help us to understand the differences in cultures It’s important to learn to read different situations and learn to act correctly
Expressing feelings is refreshing, but giving the other person time to process what has been said could lead to more meaningful conversations