External radiotherapy usually causes a sore throat, pain similar to heartburn, or pain in the stomach or intestine. The skin treated may also become very red, dry, and tender. Hair loss may also occur in the treated area. Exhaustion is also common after radiation therapy. Radiation therapy can also lead to problems swallowing. Chemotherapy is the most common form of treatment. It is given in cycles, each cycle having a treatment period and a rest period. Chemotherapy increases the chance for infection, bruise, and bleeding because it lowers the levels of healthy blood cells. It will also cause hair loss, but it may change color and/or texture for a while. Chemotherapy can also cause a change in appetite, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and mouth and lip sores. Care and support, both mentally and physically, during and after treatment are essential. The effects of being diagnosed with cancer affects and individual and those that care for them. Many steps are taken to diagnose and treat the cancer. From symptoms to causes, to diagnosis to treatment, to staging to supportive care, the process of diagnosing cancer to curing it is a stressful and ongoing process. Squamous cell carcinoma and esophageal cancer in general, are nasty cancers that cause much suffering to the patient and the family. But strength and the will to live and little bit of faith will all help the doctors when fighting
External radiotherapy usually causes a sore throat, pain similar to heartburn, or pain in the stomach or intestine. The skin treated may also become very red, dry, and tender. Hair loss may also occur in the treated area. Exhaustion is also common after radiation therapy. Radiation therapy can also lead to problems swallowing. Chemotherapy is the most common form of treatment. It is given in cycles, each cycle having a treatment period and a rest period. Chemotherapy increases the chance for infection, bruise, and bleeding because it lowers the levels of healthy blood cells. It will also cause hair loss, but it may change color and/or texture for a while. Chemotherapy can also cause a change in appetite, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and mouth and lip sores. Care and support, both mentally and physically, during and after treatment are essential. The effects of being diagnosed with cancer affects and individual and those that care for them. Many steps are taken to diagnose and treat the cancer. From symptoms to causes, to diagnosis to treatment, to staging to supportive care, the process of diagnosing cancer to curing it is a stressful and ongoing process. Squamous cell carcinoma and esophageal cancer in general, are nasty cancers that cause much suffering to the patient and the family. But strength and the will to live and little bit of faith will all help the doctors when fighting