Paul Nguyen
Q1: European began their colonization of other lands between 1200 and 1700 because of industrialization fueled by forest materials and locally available supplies of wood was insufficient to industrialize. This started the cycle of needing more wood, conquering foreign nations for their wood, and then using the wood to maintain their status industrialize power which causes them to need more wood and the cycle starts up again. The Europeans were successful in this and the evidence would be out history. America was formed from a colony of Great Britain and the map showing the imperialism around the world including Africa, South America, and Asia.
Q2: Portuguese started their period of colonization 100 years ahead of the rest of the European countries because the invented and designed an ocean ship called the caravel and advancements in navigation. They were the first to navigate using latitudes. Without these technology they would have unnecessarily long voyages, shipwrecks, commercial losses, accidental discoveries, and not return home aka death.
Q3: Madeira in Portuguese’s means Wood Island. The island of Madeira was converted to forests to vineyards. Madeira wine contributed to the American Revolution because the British seized John hancock’s sloop the Liberty after he had unloaded a cargo of madeira and a dispute arose over import duties. This caused riots to erupt in Boston. The island was used to build ships for Portugal leading to its naval dominance.
Q4: King Henry was responsible for wide spread deforestation because with his full treasury and lots of enemies he decreed that England will have an arms industry and a first class navy. Both of those industry required lots of wood which led to deforestation. They need wood for boats and wood to fuel the furnaces.
Q5: To build a new ship it took 2,000 oak trees and to repair four ships it took around 1,700 oak trees. The ships had a short life span because of ship