2. Patient was an 85 year old male with a long history of benign prostatic hypertrophy. He was admitted and scheduled for a transurethral resection of the prostate. However, the night before surgery, he fell out of the hospital bed and fractured his right hip (right femoral neck). This required an unexpected trip to the operating room for open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture. While in the operating…
In Thomas Sowell’s article, “The Fallacy of Fair”, he makes it clear that he believes many of the people who utilize the term fair in politics do not truly understand it’s meaning. He urges the idea that society is often blamed for the results of the handicaps that life bestows upon groups or people, leading society to attempt to level out the playing field for those on the bottom end of the totem pole. This concept in itself portrays the real injustice considering it skews the reality of a group's true situation, causing said group to think they are better off than they are. Evidently, this robs them of the incentive to identify the true problem and to improve (Sowell, 2010).…
Federal, state and local regulations and agency’s affect REI as well as every other business. The Federal Trade Commission regulates competition to avoid unfair practices. The Consumer Protection Agency helps protect the health and safety of consumers. Since REI has many private label products they must make sure that they are safe to avoid…
Use this document to help you design your experiment about one of the scenarios from the activity. Copy and paste the template then insert your information for each of the steps of the scientific method.…
Nowadays, different countries, and different political parties have various suggestions to combat, if they wish so, social inequality. One example is the Swiss government, which organize a vote on proposal of basic income, this way letting citizens to decide on it. Secondly, it is written that the Greece financial minister supports the idea, and Britain’s Green party even adopted…
Distributive Justice Robert Nozick From Anarchy, State, and Utopia, 149-182, with omissions. Copyright @ 1974 by Basic Books, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Basic Books, a subsidiary of Perseus Books Group, LLC. The minimal state is the most extensive state that can be justified. Any state more extensive violates people's rights. Yet many persons have put forth reasons purporting to justify a more extensive state. It is impossible within the compass of this book to examine all the reasons that have been put forth. Therefore, I shall focus upon those generally acknowledged to be most weighty and influential, to see precisely wherein they fail. In this chapter we consider the claim that a more extensive state is justified, because necessary (or the best instrument) to achieve distributive justice; in the next chapter we shall take up diverse other claims. The term "distributive justice" is not a neutral one. Hearing the term "distribution," most people presume that some thing or mechanism uses some principle or criterion to give out a supply of things. Into this process of distributing shares some error may have crept. So it is an open question, at least, whether redistribution should take place; whether we should do again what has already been done once, though poorly. However, we are not in the position of children who have been given portions of pie by someone who now makes last minute adjustments to rectify careless cutting. There is no central distribution, no person or group entitled to control all the resources, jointly deciding how they are to be doled out. What each person gets, he gets from others who give to him in exchange for something, or as a gift. In a free society, diverse persons control different resources, and new holdings arise out of the voluntary exchanges and actions of persons. There is no more a distributing or distribution of shares than there is a distributing of mates in a society in which persons choose whom they shall marry. The total…
Distributive polices come from the policy maker directly to the beneficiary. For example, certain tax polices have been established to ensure that the higher socio-economic class does not have to pay so much in taxes through the itemization of exemptions. One example is a corporation allowing giving students scholarships for college, or giving money to charity would be a major benefit. Nevertheless, redistributive policies are designed to promote equity in the delivery of goods and services. These polices are only evident when there is a dysfunction in the marketplace or the human social domain. Redistributive policies come in the form of legislative acts, mandates, court decisions, or executive orders. Therefore, due to the lack of support to the lower socio-economic class, distributive polices are a quick fix to a dysfunctional society. For example, the lower classes and poorer school districts believe the No Child Left Behind Act served no purpose but political rhetoric and promises that were never delivered. In addition, not every redistributive policy ends up helping the lower classes, especially at the local level. Redistribution should always be dealt with at the national level because it does not promote long- term economic development of the community. Nevertheless, social class is a major factor of whether an individual will receive…
1. Suppose you’re in a conversation and the person you are with claims to know that God exists (or that God does not exist—it’s up to you). What does such a knowledge claim amount to? In other words, what sorts of conditions have to be satisfied for such a knowledge claim to be legitimate? Do you think such a person could meet those conditions? Why? Be sure to discuss not only the classical model of knowledge, but also the challenges posed to it by basic beliefs and Gettier counterexamples. (Be sure to give a Gettier-type example and explain its relevance to the knowledge issue.)…
The promising new democratic age gave birth to the concept of equality. Equality is a concept cherished…
A socially just and equal society is arguably one of the most important things a community can hope to establish for itself, as every human being has a set of basic rights that demand to be valued and understood. However, the way those rights are interpreted is theoretically an objective concept which varies from religion to religion, from government to government, and from philosopher to philosopher. A select number of societies have either subverted, or in some instances, completely ignored, the practice altogether. As a result of this, the “true” meaning of social justice has become incredibly blurred. While a general understanding of the idea has been established in the minds of most individuals,…
The issue of distributive justice is relevant in our society due to current thoughts on economic inequality in politics. The political philosophers John Rawls and Robert Nozick have differing views when it comes to the topic of distributive justice. This analyze the positions of John Rawls and Robert Nozick, finding that Nozick’s view of distribution is preferable to Rawls’ difference principle because people deserve to keep what they earn and their earnings should not be taken away from them because that would be a violation of their personal liberties.…
This contrasts with the other definitions of equality which have been perceived as anti-liberal and anti-democratic. This extensive research and use of equality means that the concept has a sense of familiarity. It has developed what John Gerring calls a resonance, as it has become embedded within society with positive connotations. This resonance and familiarity has led to becoming one of the most popular ‘good’ concepts in the last few…
Income equality is the equal distribution of income amongst the different classes and households, and is a main government objective, the fifth one, as well as full Unemployment, price stability, equilibrium of balance of payments, and Economic growth. As there is always some amount of income inequality, this determines the classes in society, with the aim to reduce this benefiting the lower class, the poor, s opposed to the upper class, the wealthy. Redistribution of income, the method by which the government aims to improve and achieve income equality, is where the government ‘takes’ part of the income earned by the wealthy and ‘gives’ it to the poor, on far lower incomes. It is realistically impossible to achieve complete income equality, as there will always be some degree of difference in amount of income, based on skills, rank in firm, as otherwise people have no incentive to strive for something more ass they will end up earning the same. Hence, it is difficult to pinpoint the level where the income distribution among households is deemed ‘fair’ and who, if anyone, actually has a final say or the most valued point of view when determining this.…
From each according to his ability, to each according to his deeds (socialism). From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs (communism).…