Paragraph One: Discussion of issue as it appears in the play * Explain how the issue you have chosen is explored throughout the play * Use quotes and examples from the play to support what you say. * Discuss how the issue appeared in Elizabethan society – how was it viewed etc. * Discuss how this relates to how the issue was explored in the play. Did it fit with Elizabethan ideas – was it relevant? * Use direct examples from the play to assist here
Paragraph Two: Consider the issue in contemporary society * Explain how the issue appears in today’s times? * Look to the media, current affairs, its representation in popular culture * Is it relevant? Negative/positive views to contemporary audiences. * Use direct examples from current times
Paragraph Three: Link the issue in contemporary society to the play, examining similarities and differences and reasons for these. * An important part of speech – analysis * Look at one major similarity and one major difference in detail * Must use examples from the text here to prove what you are saying
* 4-5 sentences * Comment on the overall findings of your speech * Leave with a lasting impression – strong comment
* 4-5 sentences * Open with information about the play you are studying and the playwright * Discuss the significance of the playwright * Continue discussion with the significance of the play – popularity, relevance * Introduce issue – importance of it to Romeo and Juliet * Link with its relevance today.
Paragraph One: Discussion of issue as it appears in the play