Financial Statement Paper
By: Miesha Davis-Crawford
Professor: Deborah Adams
June 05, 2013
In this paper I will be discussing the importance of the four basic financial statements. Why do companies use them? How does the four basic financial statements help employees and management? How do the four basic financial statements benefit investors and creditor? In any company, organization, and foundation there is a financial side of things to help keep account of assets, expense, liabilities, and revenue with the importance of the four basic financial statements. Income statement, Balance sheet, Cash flow Statement, and Statement of shareholders Equity. Income Statements indicate the companies gains, expenses, and there losses are all on the income statement. The expenses on the income statement are the cost and earnings of the revenue as the income statement shows the capital gains for the greater good of the companies earnings and that look great for investors revenue. The four basic financial statements are components and the understanding the elements of these statements and how they relate to one another. The four basic financial statements help a person understand the basic elements of the financial side of the companies revenue.( The Balance Sheet shows the liabilities plus the shareholders equity. The balance sheet also shows the fixed assets and long term assets as well. Some liabilities will include money owed to creditors.(Tools for business) The Cash Flow Statement will affect the cash balance. The cash flow statement is the financial operation and activities section that also includes the net income. That will change the revenue daily companies spending and received revenue that will also include some of there capital investment and the companies revenue.(Tools for business) The Statement of Shareholders Equity balance the common stock. The common stock in