What are the typical stereotypes associated with those who have tattoos, piercings, or other body adornments?
I think that everyone gets stereotyped for all different reasons in life. I have heard many people comment about others who have tattoos, mostly negatively. I personally think there OK to have but do not care for a lot of them on a body. I think if a person wants to have them that thatch up to them and should not be judged on what is on there body. Unfortunately we are all judge for all different reasons, how you dress, how you look, if your a women if you wear makeup or not, the size of your body and many other different things. So I think tattoos is just another way for people to be judgmental about others.
Do you think that tattoos are acceptable in the workplace, or should employers be able to use body adornment as a reason not to hire a person?
I think that depending on what the job is if it is acceptable or not. Just like depending on what you do is how you dress, I feel it is the same for tattoos or even piercings.
Is our society more accepting of tattoos than of cosmetic surgery or vice versa?
I do believe that cosmetic surgery is more excepting in todays society because many view cosmetic surgery as correcting something they do not like about them self. They believe it makes them better, where as tattoos many believe that they are distracting and is not very attractive.
Do you agree with the current age restriction for those who wish to tattoo their bodies?
I do not agree with the current age restriction for those wishing tattoos. If your considered an adult at the age of 18 and legally an adult and able to make life descions then you should be able to make all your descions at that age. I do think that the age for legally becoming an adult should be at least 21 until them you are still the responsibility of the parents.
The words I was not familiar with