Value of time, Education, Honesty, Patriotism, Discipline, Dignity of Labor, Perseverance, Confident, Punctuality, Kindness, Politeness, Dutifulness, Charity, Good Manner, Self-reliance, Truthfulness, Faithfulness, Courtesy, Modesty, Industry, Labor, Friendship, Co-operation, Obedience to Parents, Obedience to Students.
(N.E.) is the most valuable and powerful element of success in life. Man is a social being. In society he cannot do whatever he likes. He has to abide some rules. In the absence of it, there would be chaos and confusion in society. So (N.E.) is necessary in all spheres of our life.
It is the key to success in life. If we make a list of successful persons who have acquired a high degree of proficiency in their respective vocations, we will find that their success depends mainly on this great virtue. By dint of it, they have not only made their lives fruitful but also helped on the advancement of civilization.
Although (N.E.) is a mental faculty and an invisible quality, yet its effect is greatly experience. It is more valuable than money because without it money loses its charm. It is to be prized on its own account. In all branches of life, it pays in the long run. It brings great rewards for human life. It is the most precious possession of a man. (N.E.) dignifies every station, wafts up every person and advances every society. A man may have much money but if he lacks in this quality, he will earn no respect.
(N.E.) is one of the best virtues of mankind and absence of it makes a man unworthy. It is of great importance in man’s life. It is also the backbone of man’s survival. Without it, a man can not accomplish anything great or glorious in life. In its absence, a man loses every charm of life with all other virtues and thus he becomes worthless for useful subsistence.
Without (N.E.) there can be no fame, no progress and no success. In a word, those who have risen in their respective vocations have done so simply