Hvordan kan vi definere ondskab og ondskabsfulde handlinger? Det er noget, det skader andre, og det kan være både fysisk og psykisk. Man forringer altså ofrets livskvalitet, men for at man kan tale om virkelig ondskab, må man tilføje, at det skal være en intentionel handling og at det skal være en handling ud over det almindelige. Desuden skal lovovertræderen ikke udvise medfølelse eller empati for offeret på gerningstidspunktet.
Until the 1960’s you have considered spiteful acts as something unusual and extreme, which was an expression of mental sickness. It was hard to imagine, that ordinary people could commit unexplainable and outrageous crimes, and you were relieved, if there was a biological explanation. How can we define evil and cruel acts? It is something that hurts others, and it can be both physical and psychological. You impair the victims live quality, but to talk about real evil, you have to add, that it has to be an intentional act and it has to be an act beyond the average. Besides does the offender have to not show pity or empathy for the victim at the time of the offense.
PRINT 2. Blog; discussion of the definition of evil.
Write an entry for a blog where you discuss whether there can be a universal definition of evil or whether your concept of evil is determined by your social or cultural background. Which acts would for instance be universally considered evil? Could there be situations where evil acts could be justified? (Use about 200 words.)
There are many ways to define evil since all people have a different understanding and meaning of the word evil, I’d say in some cases determined by social or cultural background. But also