“To be or not to be, that is the question,” says Hamlet in a soliloquy. In my opinion, each and every Indian has the right to ask themselves “to vote or not to vote” when the question of electing the ruling party of the nation arises.
In a democratic nation like India, I believe every individual should have his or her own judgment when comes to voting. Many arguments exist to prove or disprove the importance of compulsory voting. The arguments for compulsory voting state that there cannot be a fair election if groups of people fail to cast their ballots. The arguments against claim that forcing individuals to cast ballots against their will can lead to empty votes, or donkey votes. Both sides strive for acceptance, each claiming to outweigh the other, but before casting judgment on either side of the argument, it is important to understand the most prominent pros and cons of each to decide why compulsory voting would do more harm than good. Making voting mandatory will only make matters worse. Looking at the present scenario of other countries where compulsory voting is a part of the Constitution, my opinion stands reinforced. If (a) you could convince people that their vote counts, and (b) you could educate the public about the politicians in an easy-to-understand and objective way, then voting would increase exponentially. Instead, only people who care about politics go out of their way to vote and do research on the politicians. Alternatively, if we were voting on the ISSUES instead of a face, I think people would be much more inclined to express their opinion.
TING should be MANDATORY but one should ONLY be able to VOTE on an ISSUE after taking a TEST that demonstrates UNDERSTANDING of that Issue. If we were Required to Watch an Internet Provided Summary of the Issues each Night - then we VOTED on these Issues - we would not NEED Representatives