After childhood, adolescence emerges by transforming a child into young adult. Most of the times, those changes are hard to handle, especially when a teenager is going through life challenges like Billy. He is the symbol of adolescence, as it is noticeable by his biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial developments.
Biosocial entails the interaction between social and biological factors of an individual. Puberty is a sign of biosocial maturation that defines and differentiates adolescence from childhood. Adolescents develop a full sexual desire generally towards the opposite sex. Billy apparently developed this biosocial maturation. He has interest in girls and he is proud of it. He told Norman that he “sucked face” in his free time. Impulsiveness is a synonym of maturation due to hormonal changes that adolescents undergo. That is why adolescents many times act like children—they cannot help but follow their impulses without giving a thought on what the consequences might be. In the movie Billy showed impulsive tendencies. For example, when he was allowed to steer the boat he endangered himself and steers the boat in a high speed.