The pressure of meeting everyone’s expectation take a toll on the developing minds of young children. This makes sports feel like a job. The selection methods for these sports is really tough as well that most children at such an early stages of their life should enjoy the game and be carefree of the unnecessary burdens. Of the children don’t even want to grow through with it. The cruel method of selection filter every student expect the one who have already learned the skills. The rest of the potential player are rejected because they might lower the team’s chance of…
INSTRUCTIONS: Players in groups 1, 2, 3 & 4 are to wear a dark t-shirt for both dates with the designated number on the back of the shirt with light coloured tape. Players in groups 5, 6, 7 & 8 are to wear a white or light coloured t-shirt for both dates with the designated number on the back of the shirt with dark coloured tape. Teams will then be finalized for games beginning on November 10. Uniforms will be distributed to the players prior to their game on November 10. BALANCING GAMES Saturday October 27 Group 1 vs. Group 8 Group 2 vs. Group 6 Group 3 vs. Group 5 Group 4 vs. Group 7 Saturday November 3 Group 3 vs. Group 7 Group 4 vs. Group 5 Group 2 vs. Group 8 Group 1 vs. Group 6…
“ Today starts one of the best weeks of our lives ! ” spoke Coach Al . The team first checked into a hotel , a couple minutes after unpacking they all had a blast in the pool . Knowing that their first three games was the next day the team had a curfew for 11:00 . After completing their first…
Its 6am Saturday morning, the parking lot is vacant. Staring down the road you see a line of cars as they file in one after another. By 9 o’clock the sweet aroma of ribs, burgers and hot dogs permeate the air. Friends, families and strangers alike tremble in the anticipation of Game Day. Though there are hundreds of college football programs, there is no better game day experience than that of The University of Southern California Trojans.…
It was a beautiful, perfect, energetic day to be with the Weston Fc Academy soccer team. It was the week before we would depart for our international soccer journey to Argentina. We had just played an exhausting 90 minute game to defeat the best MLS team in the league yet, I was filled with a great amount of adrenaline to celebrate the victorious day.…
I took in a total of 48 samples from the areas of all the quadrats locations along the beach.The results that came back to me was that Fine Sand was most evident on the beach , being most common on the backshore I found and less as I moved up the beach to the foreshore.Maran Grass was also evident mostly on the backshore I noticed as carring out my analysis.…
“I arrive at school at 6 a.m. and prepare for the day,” Charlie Stevens, Head Athletic Trainer at Mayde Creek High school said. “Athletes start filtering in around 6:30 and we take care of them. Then I spend the morning following up on situations, doing clerical work and fixing equipment. Athletic periods start at 10:30 and we treat athletes while setting up for practices. Then, after school workouts start at 3:00 and we work practices until 5:30 and do treatments until 6:00. On Mondays and Tuesdays we have junior high football, on Tuesdays and Fridays we have volleyball and on Thursdays, Fridays and some Saturdays we have high school football games.”…
When we arrived in Dublin Ireland we stayed one night in the closest hotel and the next morning hopped on the bus which took us to the countryside. “Wake up ladies! We have our first game in 2 hours!!!” Coach James screamed on the bus microphone. As we pulled up to Mountrath County Laois, we were greeted by the signs and the townspeople. This is where all of my family is from, so I was welcomed by my aunts, uncles, cousins and grannies. We got into game mode, not knowing what to expect, the bare beginning. We stepped out on that field scared for our lives, every single girl wanting to sleep and run away at the same time. With a 8 hour time difference…
Sports keep teens well behaved at school and in class. Sports reduce the number of fights, and bad classroom behavior. In order to play any sport in high school, the students must make good grades. If they fail to make the grades, then they are either dismissed from the team, or they must take a study hall before each practice for at least 30 minutes, sometimes even for the whole day until his or her grade comes up to a passing grade. In most high schools, there are problems with attendance from the students. If a player does not come to school, then they may not go to practice or attend the game that…
Which means, school first and sports after. Also, if kids really want to play in the sport their…
As Australian society became more commercialised and globalised, so did our sport. From an amateur, locally-based pastime, sport in Australia gradually evolved into a professional, highly lucrative industry with international scope.…
Devoted school spirits inspire the pep rally. The upper school students gather in an uproar to pump up the team competing. We celebrate not knowing defeat or victory, and always come together…
The lines for the tickets led out into the road and often as far as the parking lot. A traffic director would always halt the vehicles passing beside the stadium so nothing could interfere with our line. The gates to the field would always be ready and open on either side of the field, awaiting the band to pass through them on both sides of the field. The drum line's booming cadence was, like our impenetrable line, unrelenting and the sounds from the mass of people could barely be heard. As we passed through the gates and on to the field, cheers would rumble the stadium from our supporters with pride. The opposing school's band, already seated on the visitor side, would scowl and jeer at us as we marched, sometime even throwing trash at us, but we showed our pride and excellence by not reacting to their unsportsmanlike-like conduct. The feel of the turf was pleasing in comparison to the rough pavement but for the small, black rubber pieces that would hop into our shoes at every step. We moved silently into position on the sidelines as the drum line ended the cadence with a final booming note. Then the whistles from the drum major's would sound, letting us know that it was time to begin the pregame show. The march onto the field was one of high-tempo which would bring a heightened since of excitement to the entire structure. Finally in our spots on the field, the whistles…
Can you imagine school without sports? No more games to go to, no more pep rallies. People are now beginning to wonder if sports should stay or go. I believe sports are very important for schools. Sports keep students active. It gives them something to do rather than to sit on the couch. Aside from keeping students active, it gives them an incentive to behave in class and get good grades. Even though you’re learning to be an athlete, you are learning other lifestyle skills along with it.…
4:30 A.M., the morning of January 24, you wake up on this day knowing that you either have a really good day or very disappointing day ahead of you. We arrive at the tournament around 8:00 still not quite awake, as soon as you enter you can smell the concession stand beginning to make food for the long day ahead. As we enter the gym to begin practice the…