I can recognize both sides of the poles. Some people agree for free healthcare, and some are against free healthcare. I vote for free healthcare. For those who are against free healthcare I can see your perspective. I understand that providing free healthcare insurance could lead to …show more content…
people over using healthcare resources. Which means doctors being paid less and coming in form more shifts, the facilities will need to be open longer which could interfere with there schedules, and spending more money on doctors supplies, medication, and vaccines. I also can see the frustrations behind the expenses for healthcare would have to be covered for with higher taxes or spending cuts.
HRF also known as Health Research Funding listed that 73% of minorities are without health insurance in the U.S.
HRF reported that there 33% Hispanic, 20% African-American, and 20% Asian that are without health insurance. Now, lets just stop and think about that for a second 27% of the U.S. is able to get medical attention when needed correct? So, then we have 73% of the U.S. that do not have healthcare insurance could have a possibility of having a contagious disease, or some in bed dying. With over 50% contagious diseases spreading it will affect others to get sick. All of the people dying can will then start to affect our populations rate that will then decrease because of deaths occurring but in all reality we could have helped prevented it. Another thing that we could prevent is suicidal adolescences, or adults that need to go in and see a psychiatrist. That may requires having healthcare insurance because not everyone can pay $50- $100 per visit. Some other possibilities why healthcare insurance should be free is because letting the right to healthcare could lower the cost of healthcare in The United States. Having healthcare could save lives, and it could improve public health. If public health is in control the risk or citizens getting sick would be slim chance because we are getting vaccination and medications to cure and immune our bodies. Overall, healthcare will never be free according to HRF because we will have to still pay taxes, etc. but why can't
we help others in need?
In all belief, it would be a smart idea that healthcare insurance be free to those who need help to better our economy, our education, and our taxes. Yes, expenses for healthcare would have to be paid for with higher taxes or spending cuts in other areas such as defense, education, etc. but it's worth sacrificing something we have for someone else.