The movie “Cinta” is directed by a well-known director, Khabir Bhatia. The casts include many famous actors and actress. They can either kill or make the movie alive. They are many interesting characters in the movie such as Azlan, Cikgu Elyas, Haris, Taufik and Ariana. However, the prominent characters are Azlan, Cikgu Elyas, Haris, Taufik and Ariana.
Azlan is potrayed as a successful but is afraid of commitment. He is a successful editor of a popular magazine. He is seen as a famous figure. In addition of that, his good looks made him into one of the most eligible bachelor. However, he also potrayed as someone who is afraid to commit. For example, he is preferred his relationship with Azura as a secret. When photographers are around, he refused to show affection to her. This could be, he fears of rejection. So, although Azlan is viewed as successful, he is never the less seen as afraid of commitment.
Cikgu Elyas potrayed as a successful person. Although he is having health problem. He is a successful in his career as retired teacher. He also well know in his house area because he is friendly. He is having health problem which he is suffering Alzheimer disease. He always forgot what is happeneded yesterday. He always cause problem to Amin who is his grandchild. He miss takenly regarded Amin as his son. Taufik is described as a helpful but naive young man. He is helpful newspaper editor of “Mingguan Sensasi”who is willing to help Ariana to find the man she loves even he does not know who is Ariana at first place. He fell in love with Ariana by having a single look at her. His feeling to Ariana make him more determined to help her. However, he is also potrayed as a naive man. His friends always ask him to finish their works and Taufik does not show any protest against his friends. Therefore,although Taufik is too naive, he very helpful guy. Ariana is a loyal and