The short story “Circus cat, alley cat” is written by Anita Desai and is on three pages. The short story is about Anna, a circus performer who becomes a nanny for an English family. Anna is performing with tigers and lions in an exciting show. The narrator is a child and has a wild imagination. When Anna is babysitting the children, the narrator often imagines that Anna cracks her whip, and controls the cats. One day Anna’s baby is taken away from her, and she leaves to get it back. In the end, the narrator is in the circus seeing her perform.
During my analysis, I will focus on a description of the setting, a characterization of the narrator and Anna, a discussion of the narrative technique and a comment on the ending.
The story takes place in India in a high-class neighborhood, page one line one: “I first saw Anna, the new nanny of the English children next door, who lived in a pink stucco house,..”. A stucco house is a quit large house so therefore you can assume that it is a high-class neighborhood. The English people next door have a nanny which is also indicates that it is a high-class neighborhood. You can see that it takes place in India because of the bamboo trees growing the garden and that Anna is from Malabar (a coast area in India).
The look of the narrator is not described in the story, but the narrator is a child; the text does not describe whether it is a boy or girl, who lives with family in this high-class neighborhood. You can see the narrator is a child on page line 11: “Anna has only to come into the room with a tricycle or skipping-ropes, and we would feel the trainer had arrived, wooden chair in hand to practice the act, and in this spirit we would play the games she ordered play” . The narrator has a very lively imagination, and often imagines that Anna is a harsh lion tamer.
During the story the narrator is horrified with Anna, page one line 14: “Sick with terror, I found I could scarcely