Professor Thrash
English 1101
Nov. 3, 2012
It’s All in The Interpretation.
The differences between Wright’s Macbeth and Goold’s Macbeth are so abundant that at times it is hard to believe that they are interpretations of the same play. Wright’s Macbeth, dubbed “Gangster Macbeth” by many, takes place in Melbourne, Australia. Goold’s Macbeth takes place during the World War II era in Soviet Russia. The female characters in Macbeth are interpreted very differently in Wright's Macbeth verses Goold's Macbeth. Their likenesses and differences impact how a viewer understands the show. The first characters we get interaction with in Wright’s Macbeth are the Three Witches. Wright’s Witches are three beautiful red-haired schoolgirls, who in their first scene wreak havoc upon a graveyard. They knock down tombstones, stab the face out of an angel, and spray paint an angels face a very bloody red. Each witch does her own form of destruction. The …show more content…
To many people nurses are seen as inherently good. The image of the nurse is seared into children’s minds as someone who is going to help when someone is hurt. Goold defies this notion of goodness by having the witches dressed as nurses. Who instead of trying to help the Bloody Sergeant, they kill him and remove his heart. Goold’s Witches continue throughout the play to carry the guise of nurses. They continue to push Macbeth towards the future; they even show him a vision of the future using corpses in body bags. The Witches serve and pour wine at the dinner that Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost. To someone who has seen only Goold’s Macbeth the witches would be seen as odd ominous characters that seem to be almost sinister at time, while being mostly outside of the affairs of the other characters. Which is a stark opposite of the witches in Wright’s Macbeth, and still far from the original