I will first write about ‘Anthem for a Doomed Youth’ by Wilfred Owen, this was written during World War 1. Owen is a famous war poet and his poems described the terror and destruction of World War 1. He was a soldier on the frontline during the war and he sadly died a week before it ended.
Even though Owen disliked war he continued to fight. His poems show his hatred and sadness towards war. I think he wrote his poems as a way of letting out his emotions where he would otherwise have had to keep them bottled up. The fact that he was a soldier who experienced the full brutality of war gave his poems more depth and meaning. At one point he believed that war was honourable and great, but that was all changed by some horrible events that took place in his life. After these experiences he was diagnosed with shell shock. Shell shock was the name given to describe the psychological trauma suffered my men serving during World War 1. Owen’s first horrific experience was being thrown into the air by a trench mortar and landing on the gruesome body of another soldier. Not long after he was trapped in an old German dugout for days on end. After being treated for shell shock at a war hospital Owen was moved to Northern Ireland and continued to fight.
The other poem I’m going to write about is ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Tennyson