Compare and Contrast of The Story of an Hour & The Necklace
LIT 125 Introduction to Literature
The Story of an Hour & The Necklace
Marriage takes great selfness from a couple to succeed creating a happy fulfilling life together. Unfortunately, some couples do not succeed on molding a happy union. In this essay we will compare and contrast two great stories The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant and The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin.
“The Necklace" tells of a sad and lengthy lesson learned by Mathilde Loisel and her husband. Mathilde is a selfish self-pitying woman who thinks she is too good for her station in life. Mathilde has been blessed with great beauty, a husband who loves …show more content…
For her marriage to the right man is everything. This is the exact opposite for Louise; wealth and power meant nothing. Freedom from a man was everything.
In conclusion, The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant and The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin showed diversity of marriage. Louise and Mathilde demonstrated great selfishness but both handled this emotion differently. The women, who in they’re own right developed into strong women but ended up sacrificing greatly for their dreams yet never achieving them in the end.
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