COURSE # and TITLE: ENGL 102: Literature and Composition ____
SEMESTER OF ENROLLMENT: Spring D 2014_________________
NAME: Brian Michael Cashion________________ ID #: L26234716__
WRITING STYLE USED: APA___________________________________________________
Fiction Essay Thesis and Outline
Thesis Statement
In the short stories “The Lottery” and “The Destructors” even though the stories are in two different settings and time frames, the characters and tone of the stories are similar in the fact the characters are subject to difficult challenges of the environments they are living in.
The Setting
The setting of the Lottery
The setting of the Destructors
The Characters
1. The Lottery main characters
2. The Destructors main characters
1. Comparison of the Stories
2. Ending Statements …show more content…
All the characters of the story where easily influenced at such a young age. There is a good chance that having been placed in a different location, with a different home life, all the characters would have turned out to be much different. With the characters loss of innocence due to the setting of the story, the ircumstances and the conditions had a huge impact on their minds and lives. All the characters minds were effected especially Trevor considering His father and mother where of high class status until the war and his father lost his job. Everything seemed to be taken away from Trevor and he joined the gang. With T’s mind on losing everything and seeing such destruction he saw Mr. Thomas’s (Old Misery) house as an annoyance and wanted it destroyed like everything else in his life. The other character where effected differently however they to where effected by losing their innocents and care by what they had witnessed due to the