What is Social insurance is defined in a sense that its benefits are acquired through means of eligibility. Social insurance programs are usually funded through taxes on those who work wages. It is because of theses taxes that certain programs are available. They tax employees, employers and the self employed. There are a few drawback on social insurance as well attention is placed upon the social benefits for all groups versus an individual program, so not catering to the needs of an individual public program but more the overall needs of all programs. I feel that in itself is a huge draw back. The government often provides funding for things like scientific research, job programs and social services. Government funding also has some benefits and drawbacks as well. Some of the benefits of government funding is the fact that the can help provide services to more people. The government funds many grants and work study programs for those seeking a college education. I believe without government funding grants like this so many people would not be able to fulfill their dreams of continuing their education. Just like with anything there are some drawbacks as well. So many people feel that one may learn to depend on the funding and not be able to lean to succeed without the taxpayers help. Some may also feel that with the economy the way that it is that the government may be spending way too much money on programs that may not be paid back for a long while if even paid back at all. I feel with the times being so hard financially that Medicare will not be around for us when we grow older and need it. I feel that the money will run out before we get to take advantage of a benefit that we have been paying on since we started working. However we still need this we have so many people that are laid off that depend on programs like unemployment and for those who get
What is Social insurance is defined in a sense that its benefits are acquired through means of eligibility. Social insurance programs are usually funded through taxes on those who work wages. It is because of theses taxes that certain programs are available. They tax employees, employers and the self employed. There are a few drawback on social insurance as well attention is placed upon the social benefits for all groups versus an individual program, so not catering to the needs of an individual public program but more the overall needs of all programs. I feel that in itself is a huge draw back. The government often provides funding for things like scientific research, job programs and social services. Government funding also has some benefits and drawbacks as well. Some of the benefits of government funding is the fact that the can help provide services to more people. The government funds many grants and work study programs for those seeking a college education. I believe without government funding grants like this so many people would not be able to fulfill their dreams of continuing their education. Just like with anything there are some drawbacks as well. So many people feel that one may learn to depend on the funding and not be able to lean to succeed without the taxpayers help. Some may also feel that with the economy the way that it is that the government may be spending way too much money on programs that may not be paid back for a long while if even paid back at all. I feel with the times being so hard financially that Medicare will not be around for us when we grow older and need it. I feel that the money will run out before we get to take advantage of a benefit that we have been paying on since we started working. However we still need this we have so many people that are laid off that depend on programs like unemployment and for those who get