In dynamically developing and rapidly changing environment such as economics of Ukraine, management of investment activity at enterprise as socio-economic phenomenon is in need of continuous improvement, development, deep knowledge, system presentation and practical application, therefore in systematic improving definition, identification.
Investment activity at the industrial enterprise has been researched by such domestic scientists as Abramov S. I. [2], Lapygin Yu. N. [3], Buzova I. А. [4], Kibitkin A. I.[5] which have made considerable contribution to study of investment problems.
Highly appreciating contribution of the researchers to development of theory of investment activity of enterprise one should note that this definition requires continuous improvement in accordance with rapidly changing state-of-the-art conditions.
The purpose of the research is deepening theoretical regulations, technical and practical aspects on creation of effective management of the industrial enterprises investment activity.
The term «investment» comes from Latin word «investire» - to put up. Investments mean body of costs being realized in form of purposeful investment of assets for some specified time into various branches and fields of economics, into objects of business and other kind of activities to get profits and reaching of both individual aims of investors and positive social effect [2]. In Art. 1 Law of Ukraine “Of investment activity” the definition to investments is cited as follows: “Investments are all kind of property and intellectual values deposited into the objects of business and other kind of activities, as a result of which they create profits (income) or reach social effect” [1]. In general, this definition corresponds to international approach to investment activity as a process of investment of resources (benefits, property and intellectual values) for the purpose of realizing
Bibliography: 1. Law of Ukraine “Of investment activity”; 2. Investment. / Abramov S.I. - M.: Economics and Marketing Centre, 2000. 3. Investment policy: tutorial. / Lapygin Yu. N., Balakirev А.А., Bobkova Ye. V. - М.: Knopus, 2005. 4. Commercial evaluation of investments. / Buzova I.А., Makhovikova G.А., Terekhova V.V. - Spb.: Peter, 2004. 5. Financial analysis: risks, credit capacity, investments. / Kibitkin A.I., Rapnitskaya N.M., Smirnov А.V., Skotarenko О.V. – published “Academy Natural Science”, 2013.[Electron resource] – Access mode. –