On January 17, 2014 Jerry Brown the governor of California released a statement to be aware of the drought. There have been regulations to cut 20 percent from the average usage of water. The limit for watering lawns is twice a week from a specific time or it could lead to a $48 penalty for over using water. The restrictions have been accounted for to limit the water usage. Also washing your car has limits even though it's within your household. The government is trying to make sure we are aware that water is at its scarce. It is important we follow the regulations to make sure the future is
On January 17, 2014 Jerry Brown the governor of California released a statement to be aware of the drought. There have been regulations to cut 20 percent from the average usage of water. The limit for watering lawns is twice a week from a specific time or it could lead to a $48 penalty for over using water. The restrictions have been accounted for to limit the water usage. Also washing your car has limits even though it's within your household. The government is trying to make sure we are aware that water is at its scarce. It is important we follow the regulations to make sure the future is