
Essay Of Simon's Monologue

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Mother: Even when i am here she follows me in to the bath room.

Simon: there is loads of them here she writes me so many letter so many letters. Simon: Yer and none of my friends can take their cloths of in this house or nothing `because of what she has been doing.

Mother: It feels like she is continuous on top of you banging. Simon: What she does every time she hers a computer key board yer what she does is she will stand there and she will (Mr Simon Cordell makes a loud banging sound)

Sam: And it sounds like there is no sound proofing here at all low

Mother: No there is not.

Simon: I can not even work in this house because of her i mean i have been siting down in this house for the last year still just waiting for her to stop banning
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Katie: You can see them on the walls over there.

Louise Brown: Yer.

Mother: and basically he turn round and err they turned round then they phoned me and thy said has the ceiling dried out yet as they had to disconnect the whole light.
Simon: My bath room light is disconnected right now.

Mother: And.

Louise Brown: Yer.

Mother: And then i contacted them back the next day and i said to them the ceiling is still to wet to actually re connect that back up it would be dangers.

Katie: So is there still no electric in the bath room.

Mother: And i said you are going to need to leave to your going to need to let it dry out before you come and reconnect it back up, then i got a phone call from them say now they believe the leak is coming from 117 that is the third floor up.

Mother: Because it is privately leased there going to come down and speak to Simon today so i said OK no problem because they have then got to pay for he damage that was then done.

Louise Brown: Mother: Erm so the people from 117 come down and they said we have got no leak we have had some one come in and check and there is no leak. Katie:

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