“People who are HIV positive should not have children”.
I am in agreement with this statement and while some may view this as a violation of human rights, I think a strong argument can be made in favour of this statement.
HIV is described as a pandemic. The Dictionary of Epidemiology defines a pandemic as “an epidemic occurring on a scale which crosses international boundaries, usually affecting a large number of people”. In April 2014 the HSRC (Human Sciences Resource Council) released a report stating South Africa has the highest number of new HIV infections worldwide, the number of infected people now stands at 6.4 million people. Allowing HIV positive people to have children only serves to perpetuate the pandemic even further.
The high rate of newly infected people highlights the fact that most people lack knowledge about the sexual transmission of HIV. This points to the need for education in order to prevent more people from becoming HIV positive. This should include: a nationwide campaign for HIV Counselling & Testing (HTC), encouraging condom usage, monogamy and voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC). The World Health Organisation states that VMCC reduces the risk of male to female HIV transmission by 60%. These strategies will all help to curb HIV pregnancies.
It is estimated by the Department of Health that 29.1% of pregnant women are infected with HIV. This means that ⅓ of all babies born have a 25% of mother to child transmission. Therefore morally as a mother unless you have access to or can afford treatment the best decision is to adopt a child or not have children.
Rape also plays a massive role in the transmission of HIV, it is estimated that 19.6% of men who have committed rape have HIV. Victims often keep their babies as abortion is frowned upon. Survivors of rape must be allowed to terminate these unwanted