The question of this investigation is, “to what extent was slavery the primary cause of the American Civil War.” In this investigation, the primary factor seems to be the same as the primary cause. Episode 1 of The Civil War by Ken Burns was picked because this film has very credible information relevant to the investigation.The information that is given to us is very credible because it had primary qoutes inserted into the film of accounts of the civil war. Battle cry of Freedom, a book written by James Mcpherson was chosen because it had information that helps to answer the question but it also had other information about causes of the American Civil War that was different then the question as well. These two components can be analyzed further and help support slavery as the primary cause.
Burns, Ken, dir. “The Cause.” Episode #1. The Civil War. Dir. Ken Burns. PBS. Olympia, Sept. 1990. Television.
The Civil War is a mini series produced and directed by Ken Burns. Ken Burns is very well known film maker who has made several films that are credible, making this a credible source . The downside of this film by Ken Burns is that because Ken Burns is such a well known film maker so …show more content…
He went to Johns Hopkins University, a school widely recognized as a prestigious school. He went to Johns Hopkins University to get his Ph.D in history. Most of his work has been acknowledged in many ways including awards or ceremonies. As a Historian, James McPherson focuses mostly on the topic of the American civil war. His book Battle Cry of Freedom is very valuable as a source because James is very knowledgeable in the history of the civil war and also because the book talks about how slavery was a main contributing factor in the civil war. Not only does it talk about slavery but it also gives many examples of different factors that, as well as slavery, that contribute to the start of the civil