The purpose of this experiment is to standardize a solution of Mohr’s salt, and to use titration to determine the volume ration of ferrous solution to the permanganate standard and calculate the concentration of the ferrous solution. First, Mohr’s salt was mixed with H2SO4. Then, the solution was titrated until the end point was reached. The volumes were recorded, and used to calculate the molarity of the ferrous solution. The major findings in this lab were that titration in a redox reaction can be used to find the concentration of one solution if the other one is given. This lab’s significance is that it shows the proper way to calculate molarities using titrations. The major conclusions show that molarity of an unknown substance can be reached by titrating it with another substance, with a known molarity.
Purpose: To standardize a solution of Mohr’s salt. To use titration to determine the volume ratio of ferrous solution to the permanganate standard and to calculate the concentration of the ferrous solution.
- .020M potassium permanganate solution
- Mohr’s salt solution (concentration unknown)
- 6.0 M H2SO4
- 10- mL volumetric pipet
- Pipet bulb
- Beakers
Procdure: Get 40 mL of standardized Potassium Permanganate and Mohr’s Salt solutions. Rinse the burets, and record the initial volumes. Measure 10mL of Mohr’s Salt solution. Add 10 mL of H2SO4 solution. Begin titrating with the Potassium Permanganate until the endpoint is reached. Record the final volumes. Discard the liquid, and do the titrations 2 more times. Record the volumes like the first time.
Amount of Fe2+ (mL) Initial amount (mL) Final amount (mL) Amount Change (mL)
Trial 1 10.00 19.05 29.12 10.08
Trial 2 10.00 29.12 39.33 10.21
Trial 3 10.00 39.33 49.54 10.21
1. 5 (Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e-)
MnO41- + 8H+ + 5e- → Mn2+ + 4H2O
MnO41- + 5Fe2+ + 8H+ → Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ +