An argument is circulating that birth control can be used as an effective way to control population growth. There was a request to welfare programs to develop family planning programs which would give women who lived in poverty more access to birth control options. Federal agencies were concerned with controlling poverty rates with birth control. Melanie Welch, who earned her Doctorate in History at Auburn University, wrote “demands were tailored to the federal government's growing focus on fighting poverty and a national perception that ‘overpopulation’ had become a problem, rather than speaking the language of women's rights” (222). Also, women who were mentally unstable were forced to take birth control pills. This is so that their disease would not be passed down to their possible offspring, and this another example of how contraceptives were used as population control. Those who were deemed unfit to have children were forcefully contraceptives so they could not conceive a child. Unfortunately, in some cases, there was not enough funding to support this idea. So the women who did not have money for birth control would continue to have children. Women would be able to control how many children they would have with birth control, but some women did not have control over who they could breed
An argument is circulating that birth control can be used as an effective way to control population growth. There was a request to welfare programs to develop family planning programs which would give women who lived in poverty more access to birth control options. Federal agencies were concerned with controlling poverty rates with birth control. Melanie Welch, who earned her Doctorate in History at Auburn University, wrote “demands were tailored to the federal government's growing focus on fighting poverty and a national perception that ‘overpopulation’ had become a problem, rather than speaking the language of women's rights” (222). Also, women who were mentally unstable were forced to take birth control pills. This is so that their disease would not be passed down to their possible offspring, and this another example of how contraceptives were used as population control. Those who were deemed unfit to have children were forcefully contraceptives so they could not conceive a child. Unfortunately, in some cases, there was not enough funding to support this idea. So the women who did not have money for birth control would continue to have children. Women would be able to control how many children they would have with birth control, but some women did not have control over who they could breed